Government News

Gov. Justice requests $5 million in aid for Ukraine children’s hospital bombed by Russia 

CHARLESTON, WV – Following his address yesterday on America’s energy crisis and the war in Ukraine, Gov. Jim Justice sent a letter requesting that the West Virginia Legislature join him in pledging $5 million in assistance for the Ukrainian maternity and children’s hospital recently bombed by Russian military forces.
“The ongoing war on Ukraine is beyond tragic, with Russia bombing civilians and committing war crimes upon the heroic people of Ukraine. The killing of civilians is despicable and must not ever be tolerated. But the worst atrocity imaginable is the murder of innocent women and children,” said Gov. Justice in his letter.

“We have all seen footage of the destruction and desecration of the maternity and children’s hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine. This bombing campaign on the most vulnerable of humanity will surely go down in history as the horrendous action of a madman, and we must all pray for the health of all those who were harmed.”

The letter continued, “We must take action to show solidarity and support at any level we can. I believe this $5 million pledge may spur others to contribute, to join together in support, and to show Putin that the free world stands together in support of Ukraine. The bombing of this hospital is a rallying cry, and West Virginia should help answer the call.”
In his address yesterday, Gov. Justice noted that dependence on hostile foreign countries, like Russia, for fossil fuels has put America in a position where aiding in Ukraine’s defense is strategically precarious for the security of the country and the free world.

“None of us would have ever really imagined that, because of a madman and evil in the world, that we could possibly be on the brink of World War III. But here we are,” Gov. Justice said in the address. “We have a colossal problem in this world right now. Energy has become weaponized.”

The Governor went on to say that President Joe Biden must act now by tapping into West Virginia’s rich natural resources to make America energy independent again.

“There’s only one solution. This country needs to be energy independent in every single, solitary way,” Gov. Justice continued. “That independence starts right here in little ol’ West Virginia. The very resources that we have in abundance in this state – coal, oil, and gas – are exactly what will save the world.

“The Biden Administration has kicked West Virginia to the side. They’ve tried to extinguish us. Today, all of a sudden, the whole world is wondering, ‘Where’s West Virginia to save us?’

“Why is America afraid? This is America, for crying out loud! Jim Justice is not going to be afraid. It’s time for West Virginia to be that beacon of light for America. It’s time for us to not be afraid anymore. It’s time for us to lead.”

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Jordan Damron,