Community Events News

Second Day of Festival Certainly Carved out some Memories

Photos by Terry Hickman

Susan Sullivan Gifford and daughter Claudette and Jim Sullivan

The Calhoun County Wood Festival has always been a time when memories are made, as children enjoy the opportunity of a local carnival, school alumni return to catch up with friends of days gone by and the local community comes together to enjoy the company of one another, the food and shopping extraordinaire!

Friday night’s event celebrated the memories made with Michael “Sully” Sullivan, the son of Jim Sullivan and brother of Susan who passed unexpectedly July 29th, 2023 at age of 35. Jim and Michael made the Wood Festival a family affair by donating their time to the Wood Festival Committee and community through countless hours of preparation and committment to the local event. Friday night was a tribute to Michael’s contributions and celebration of his life.

Music for the evening was provided by Matt Vanfossing and Fleetwood Macked.
