
Letter to the Publisher

Letters and opposing opinions are always welcome at Ridgeview News.

I’m hoping you are as appalled at the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision as I.

For the love of everything you hold dear, PLEASE, keep Donald Trump out of the White House! What I said, in another thread, about voting for Dick Cheney is absolutely true — and, in light of this ruling, I don’t trust ANY Republican, and certainly not him, 100%. But, I would have no choice, under those hypothetical circumstances, except to trust him not to take advantage of this ruling because I know, with every fiber of my being, that Donald Trump WILL — and not in a way that would be good for our country, left, right or center.

Conversely, there is no doubt that Joe Biden will not take advantage (proof is Trump’s continued freedom, to this day) and, if we give him a Democratic House and Senate, he will do everything in his power to, somehow, right this wrong.
With equal certainty, I can promise that Donald Trump will turn this country into something resembling Putin’s Russia and abandon the American Experiment, once and for all. The Court has set us up to be ruled by fiat, and not by We the People, with this and their abandonment of the Chevron Doctrine, last Friday.

We fought a revolution against the concept of royalty — or that any man is above the law — for a reason. With this decision, the Supreme Court has nullified our Constitution and given one man absolute power.

While they’ve got you worried about the LGBTQ community “grooming” your children (AS IF that’s how it works), DEI, CRT and other nonsensical garbage, they’ve been grooming you to accept an authoritarian dictator who is guaranteed to rip away the rights of those scary gay and non-white people and save the day. What they’re not telling you is that, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but, one day in the not-too-distant future, they’ll be coming for your rights, too.

If they can do it to “them” they WILL, eventually, do it to you. Sound familiar?

If you haven’t, already, please read Project 2025 and you will see for yourself how the Court’s recent decisions fit with Project 2025’s program. They just came out and promised a “bloodless revolution” as long as the Democrats don’t put up a fight.

I would have bet the Court was going to kick the details of the immunity case down the road until after the election so they would know who they’re rewriting the Constitution for, and, in a way, they have. But, your “side” needs to be aware that, with this ruling, I could easily argue the case that Trump and, at least, four conservative justices, are a clear and present danger to democracy, the American People and the Constitution, and Joe Biden should assemble Seal Team 6, himself. Un/fortunately, Joe Biden is a far more decent human being than I’ll ever be and, I doubt he would conceive of such a thing, let alone, carry it out (though, I bet Dick Cheney would — and, I’d still vote for him if those hypothetical MAGA Democrats were as violent and nuts as the Republican version).

But, that’s always been my number one complaint when it comes to Biden, he, literally, doesn’t have the “killer instinct.”
On the upside, because of this ruling, the January 6th case gets kicked back to the original court where, rumor has it, Jack Smith will be presenting his entire case, minus the one paragraph that SCOTUS already ruled an “official act” under their, new, entirely made-up law that has no foundation, whatsoever, in the Constitution of this country.
So, there will be facts about Trump and all of his criminal activity surrounding January 6th finally coming out and he will be making statements refuting those facts on the campaign trail but will, still, be unable to repeat those statements in an actual courtroom for the same reason he could not repeat his statements on his own behalf during the New York fraud trial — because that would be perjury.

I haven’t heard any feedback from right wing media, yet. Somehow, I doubt their hair is flaming today — I hope it is — but, if they’re smug at Corporate Central, know that they’re comfortably assuming they’ll have their way 100%, and soon, if Donald Trump gets back into office.

You think Biden is feeble minded? Have you watched an entire Trump rally recently and listened to what he is saying when he goes off script? Compare rallies from 2016, 2020 and now, then tell me how much more concerning your guy has become. Keep in mind, Alzheimer’s runs in his family…and, most of the people surrounding/controlling him are, like him, convicted felons with fascist fantasies.

Not only do you need to LISTEN to what Trump is saying, you need to hear what he ISN’T saying: He promises to suspend the Constitution on day one — last I looked, that’s where the Second Amendment is located, you might want to clarify that detail before you send him back to the seat of power. At a recent rally, Trump claimed you won’t have to vote for him again in four years — maybe you heard that he won’t seek a third term but, what I heard is that he’s never leaving office. Furthermore, we know, for a fact, that he’s, already, tried that.
You think you were better off four years ago?

His mismanagement of COVID is estimated to have cost an additional 300,000 American lives; his glacial response to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria is estimated to have cost an additional one thousand American lives; his criminal activity on January 6th cost five American lives and injury to more than 150 police officers, not to mention the hundreds of lives ruined by the crimes committed on behalf of his LIES.
Sinclair Lewis famously said, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible.” Trump has, literally wrapped himself in the flag and, literally held up a Bible to impress upon you his undying faith and patriotism — when he possesses neither. It’s an act and always has been. Your beloved host of a “reality” show never existed, just a shell of a human, pretending to be real and, after enough takes, pulling it off.

Show me a civilization, anywhere in history, where the people banning books turned out to be the good guys.
You’re being set up and, ordinarily, I’d pop some corn, kick back and enjoy the show but, this time, you’re endangering the entire country — and there’s nothing funny or amusing about that.

Finally, any political party, politician or religious leader who tells you that “woke” is a bad thing, is literally telling you to go to sleep if you want to be “good.”

If you think it’s bad for us now, you ain’t seen nothing, yet.

Please, wake up.

Page Forth

PS: Like Rare Old Bird, I appreciate the fact that you publish our opinions, in spite of your own views.


8 Replies to “Letter to the Publisher

  1. The current Democratic Party is a joke. Joe Biden is a joke. This is the best candidate they can come up with? They’ve given us war hungry Hillary Clinton and Genocidin Biden.

    It’s the same song and dance every year. “Hey! We know our candidate is bad but but how about LGBT rights and and and abortion rights !!”
    But without fear mongering about these bourgeoisie talking points to keep the middle, lower middle, and poor classes divided, what differentiates between the Republican and Democratic Party?

    Migrants are still in the same “cages” trump had them in.

    There’s Still no ceasefire even though his voters have demanded it. He still continued to give Israel billions to massacre women and children.

    He continues to give endless amount of money to Ukraine after The US provoked this conflict.

    He has increased the police budget.
    Marijuana is still not fully decriminalized
    He blocked the railroad strike. So much for being pro union

    Promising to codify and protect abortion and LGBT rights and failing to do so every year won’t cut it anymore. If Biden and the Democratic Party loses, they’ll have no one to blame except for themselves. They should try harder to differentiate themselves from republicans if they want to win.

  2. What’s that? You didn’t get the pony you wanted for your birthday so you’re running away from home?
    Good luck with that.
    See ya’ on the battlefield.

    1. @pageforth
      thats not an argument, weak response. You have no critical thought of your own. You’re not going on any battlefield, you’re a larping loser.

      Not supporting the current trash Democratic Party doesn’t not mean people are supporting the Republican Party. I know that’s gotta be hard to understand for a simpleton.

      Equating all the things I listed to “a pony you didn’t get” shows how out of touch you truly are. You’re a Republican at heart but with a rainbow aesthetic.

  3. How about some cheese to go with that whine?
    Grow up.
    Our country is in grave danger and now is not the time to be a selfish, whiney brat.
    There will be no Republicans or Democrats if Donald Trump takes the White House: there will only be Trump and a demented bunch of felons propping him up.
    Read Project 2025. It’s their plan to restructure the country AFTER Trump suspends the constitution (on day one).
    The president of the Heritage Foundation said the document was created in anticipation of a second Trump term, yet, Trump said he didn’t agree with any of, it in spite of, also, saying he hadn’t read it.
    Anyone who truly cares about this country needs to wake up, yesterday.

  4. @CringeCivilWarLarper

    You’ll eventually grow up and have some common sense one of these days.
    You keep fear mongering about Project 2025 but what exactly has Biden said or done to combat, stop, or prevent it from happening?

    You think increasing the police budget will prevent that?
    You think deporting 130,000 immigrants in the first half of 2024 does that?
    You think police mass arresting people at protests prevents this?
    He’s brushed off any kind of reform of the Supreme Court to stop the 527 anti LGBT laws across the US.

    Most of the stuff mentioned in that project 2025 doc have happened, are already happening, or dems have laid the foundation for it to happen. A vote for an 80-year-old neoliberal democrat can’t stop a country’s descent into fascism. There’s some truth for ya buddy. Now continue voting democrat expecting a difference and going to your Civil War re-enactments to prepare for “the battlefield”.

  5. Have you ever wondered how Hitler rose to power?
    Go look in a mirror.

    1. Are you asking how he rose to power within Germany or globally? In either case it really does not help your argument. Hitler came to power not through elections but because Hindenburg and the circle around him decided to appoint him as chancellor after Hindenburg won by a wide margin in the Presidential election of 1932. So much like Biden and past elected democrats, they essentially done nothing to prevent Fascism from happening. For example: giving the police a higher budget does not help prevent fascism (which Biden has done)

      But if you’re referring to how he rose to power globally:

      1) He was financed by Wall Street, The US Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England. FDR met with Hjalmar Schacht and America allocated $1 billion in loans (~23.7 billion in today terms) to Germany.

      2) The US done nothing when Germany, Great Britain, French Republic and Italy agreed to the Munich Agreement in which Czechoslovakia was seized by Germany and Poland.

      3) Ignore any offer The USSR sent to prevent WW2 from happening and stopping Nazi Germany.

      ☢️So in any case that argument is invalid. ☢️

    2. @CantReadFourPages

      Are you asking how he rose to power within Germany or globally? In either case it really does not help your argument. Hitler came to power not through elections but because Hindenburg and the circle around him decided to appoint him as chancellor after Hindenburg won by a wide margin in the Presidential election of 1932. So much like Biden and past elected democrats, they essentially done nothing to prevent Fascism from happening. For example: giving the police a higher budget does not help prevent fascism (which Biden has done). DNC choosing the corpse of an 80 year old incoherent neoliberal democrat also does not help prevent fascism. This whole idea of “vote Democrat harder !!” will not prevent it either.

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