Health News News

Five local residents attacked in Calhoun

This week alone five of the people I’m very fond of have been attacked in the neighborhood. But before you call law enforcement out (unless you know of any bee police) you need to understand they were attacked by a very potent tiny creature known as the yellow jacket. 🐝

Every morning as I leave my mothers I walk past a flowering shrub that sounds like a miniature Air Force Base. Hundreds of bumble bees are dining on the delectable posies, and a few yards away there are dozens more on the pumpkin and zucchini blooms. However, those docile creatures seem to care less about my presence. But the yellow jackets have launched a war against my people.

My husband David is severely allergic and required doctor’s treatment twice, as well as grandson Logan, who had 4 – 6 inch welts from his tangle. His brother Nic didn’t require treatment but multiple stings on his face were a terrible warning from them that he was in their territory. Nephew Landon was stung multiple times on his face requiring an emergency room visit and grandson Luke was stung 18 times while weed eating.

I’ve heard from many people that bees of all kinds seem to have multiplied in abundance in 2024. I researched it to see if there were any stories trending about it but found very little.

Apiarists, a fancy word for a beekeeper are those who enjoy working with the honeybees. Because bees and other pollinators are so important to a healthy environment scientists encourage “bee-spotting” to improve fruits and vegetables. But I wouldn’t advise it at the present time without the fancy bee suit to match, they seem to be very territorial.

I would advise that you have home remedies on hand, or an epipen if you’re allergic. We used lavendar and tea tree oil to calm the raged itching which worked okay, but because of the severity of the stings, an antihistamine is a good remedy too.

Just consider this your warning to take care. Don’t go barefoot and be a “bee spotter” for your own good!
