
Creston News Week of August 26

Dry weather continues to be the norm in Creston and a state wide drought event has been made official. Creston residents, like folks elsewhere, have been hauling water as springs and wells are drying up.  Little to no rain is in the forecast.  Even the governor declared a drought emergency.  Most pasture fields have dried up and folks are feeding hay.  Peanut put up the second cutting hay on the dePue farm.

The comely Kim was calling on her mother Wilma Mowrey who has been on the puny list.

Farm use reports are due by August 30 – that is Friday.  Also that is the last day to get the discount on first half real estate & personal property taxes.

On Thursday August 29 the Creston Area Neighborhood Watch will have a litter clean up on W. Va. 5.  Willing workers should meet at 5 P. M. At the Ferrell residence for some sustenance to give strength before picking up the litter.  For details call 275-3202.

Antero announced that the Denver based firm is now leasing Marcellus in Gilmer County, joining HG there.  The new leases let the company get the natural gas liquids for almost free since the Legislature passed bills to prevent folks from forcing the company to make honest and decent deals.  On Friday the state agency, set up to approve force pooling held hearings.  Lawyers and participants set in the lobby and were not allowed in for the proceedings.  “Oh, we didn’t know you were out there, sorry”.  World class oil & gas formations should pay 25% royalty [gross] but folks like Sen. President “Baldy” Blair & his buddies were not on W. Va.’s side. 

There were  big doings up in Chicago with a coronation of a person who was “selected” by the Big Eared One for his fourth term to fundamentally change the nation.  Price controls on food like Cuba & Venezuela & Health & housing “rights” just like in the ‘constitution’ of the former USSR.  The VP has a long time relationship with China & supported the actions that happened in Peking when the tanks smashed the citizens who were asking for freedom. This happened while he was on active duty which raises lots of questions.  Just like questions not being answered over what really happened in Butler Pennsylvania not so long ago. We live in very frightening times.

Not so long back there was big hoopla over the release of $30 million as the start of the “hydrogen hub” or ARCH 2.  This was the first payment of the $1billion in taxpayer funds for the green new deal project.  Folks wondered just what the$$ was for.  Now it has been learned that is for a new office at WVU. Seems Professor Grant Swinger was successful in getting money to spend.  A British study said natural gas pipeline systems will work with pure hydrogen but a US study said just the opposite.  All this is to “save the planet” as we are told.  At the same time India has made it clear that the energy future there will be coal.

Speaking of coal plants it is said that problems remain over the taxpayer funded purchase of the Pleasants Power Plant at Willow Island.  It could be such a thing that the State of West Virginia might get to own & operate a coal fired power plant or a plant that has a new 20 inch gas line.

The new proposed tech centers and AI (artificial intelligence) facilities require huge amounts of electricity at a time when the green weenies want us to stop using power that does not come from pixie dust.  Some of the ‘true believers’ are now against such but, well . . .  It has been made clear that use of natural gas will be strong until at least after 2050.  This writer would be ‘quite old’ then.

The price of local Pennsylvania crude slipped to $73.83/bbl. With condensate fetching just $55.83/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $62.83/bbl.  In Parkersburg gasoline can now be obtained for $2.85/gallon [with a discount card].


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