According to those who have been raising awareness of another attempt by Grantsville Mayor Robert Petrovsky to raise Grantsville Municipal Water rates, there are currently 80 of the 120 signatures on the petition against the 60% water increase. For users of 3400 gallon, this will make ur total bill $147 which will put the Town of Grantsville #300 out of 340 on the list of highest rates in the State.
The petitions can be signed at the following locations: Mom’s Place, The 1982 Foundation Office, and State Farm Insurance.
Calhoun Chronicle Editor, Gaylen Duskey, announced on Social Media that he was advised (at least one of us was) of a scheduled meeting of the Town of Grantsville on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
All Grantsville residents and PSD Customers are advised to attend the meeting which will most likely be a second and final reading of the rate increase. If passed Petrovsky and the City Council will finally be successful with the rate increase, leaving all those who fail to appear in person or on the petition, to cover the continued mismanaged and unaccountable expenditures of the Town of Grantsville.