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Another Little Red Devil Sweep!

Submitted by Kevin Cunningham/Photos by Clear Blue Skys Studios

On Saturday September 7th Calhoun Little Red Devils traveled to Ravenswood to face off with the Ravenswood Little Red Devils. This would be the first games that Ravenswood Youth Program would have on their new turf field and they were hoping to walk away with some wins to celebrate the occasion. Calhoun was hoping to be the Little Red Devils to come away victorious and spoil these first games for the Ravenswood squads. Calhouns C team would start the day off with a bang as Braxton Carter completed a 60 yard Touchdown pass to Scarlett Probasco. Calhoun would go on to a 42-0 win, and the other teams followed suit as Calhoun’s B team won 40-6 and the A team finished off the sweep with a 45-0 victory. Ravenswood does not have a flag team, so Calhoun Counties Flag team had the week off.

Calhoun C team moved solely into 1st place in the LKC South C Team Standings at the end of the weekend. Just about everything that Calhoun tried offensively worked the way they wanted it to as Braxton Carter had 2 rushing Touchdowns, 2 passing touchdowns and 5 extra points on the ground for Calhoun’s C team. Scarlett Probasco added 1 rushing Touchdown, 2 receiving Touchdowns and 1 rushing extra point and Noah Richards rounded out the scoring for the Little Red Devils adding a rushing score. The score of the game was 42-0 at halftime. Ravenswood started the 3rd quarter on offense and just a few plays into the second half they decided they would forfeit the game giving Calhoun a 42-0 victory.

The next game up was the B team and Calhoun was also victorious 40-6. The Little Red Devils remain undefeated for the season and continue to be tied for 1st place in the B team South LKC standing with Elk River. 4 different Little Red Devils were able to reach the end zone and score. Colten Heiney and Bryson Swisher each scored 2 Touchdowns while Haygan Houchin and Quinten Parkin added 1 Touchdown each. Haygan Houchin added 3 rushing extra points and also added an extra point pass which he completed to Bryson Swisher.

The final game of the day would be the A team with Calhoun coming away with a 45-0 victory. With this win the A team also remained tied for 1st place in the LKC South standing with Elk River. There were 7 different kids on the team who were able to points on the board for the team. Bentley Snodgress scored 3 Rushing Touchdowns, Tyler Mayle added 2 Rushing Touchdowns and Bronson Smith had 1 rushing score. Liam Yeager had a Passing Touchdown with Abram Dow on the receiving end of the score. Tyler Mayle, Carter Thompson and Karson Propst each scored an extra point on the ground to round out the scoring. Abram Dow also had a great day Defensively as he led the team with 9 tackles.

Calhoun will take the field again next Sunday September 15th when Clay County travels to Mt. Zion. The Flag team will start at noon as they return to action hoping to remain undefeated for the season. Clay County does not have a C Team so Calhoun will officially receive a forfeit victory, instead of taking the weekend off at 1 pm the C team will be scrimmaging Vienna Youth League. B team will follow the C Team game and then A team will Finish off the day. B and A team will both play Clay County.


C Team:

Offense-  Rushing

  • Braxton Carter- 7 carries, 74 yards, 2 TD, 5 extra points
  • Scarlett Probasco- 3 carries, 32 yards, 1 TD, 1 extra point
  • Noah Richards- 1 carry, 40 yards, 1 TD


  • Braxton Carter- 2 completions, 89 yards, 2 TD


  • Scarlett Probasco- 2 receptions, 89 yards, 2 TD

Defense-    Tackles

  • Braxton Carter, Clayton McCullough, Zander McCumbers- 4
  • Scarlett Probasco, Kaleb Butler – 3
  • Chase Parsons, Noah Richards- 2
  • Jace Allen – 1

Fumble Recovery-

  • Braxton Carter- 2
  • Scarlett Probasco- 1

B Team

Offense-   Rushing

  • Quinten Parkin – 12 carries, 35 yards, 1 TD
  • Haygan Houchin- 11 carries, 67 yards, 1 TD, 3 extra points
  • Colten Heiney- 5 carries, 97 yards, 2 TD
  • Bryson Swisher- 4 carries, 79 yards, 2 TD
  • Ryder Simmons- 1 carry, 1 yard
  • Michael McClain- 1 carry, 1 yard


  • Haygan Houchin- 1 completion, 3 yards, 1 extra point


  • Bryson Swisher- 1 reception, 3 yards, 1 extra point

Defense-   Tackles

  • Haygan Houchin, Quinten Parkin- 6
  • Adam Francis- 5
  • Raines Riddel, Michael McClain- 4
  • Carper Summers, Ryder Simmons- 3
  • Bryson Swisher, Colten Heiney- 2
  • Jason Ingram, Owen Heiney- 1


  • Haygan Houchin- 2
  • Carper Summers, Raines Riddel- 1

Fumble Recovery-

  • Quinten Parkin – 1

A Team-

Offense-     Rushing-

  • Bentley Snodgress- 12 carries, 103 yards, 3 TD
  • Tyler Mayle- 7 carries, 52 yards, 2 TD, 1 extra point
  • Tristan Rogers- 1 carry, 34 yards
  • Bronson Smith- 4 carries, 41 yards, 1 TD
  • Chandler Cottrell- 2 carries, 3 yards
  • Carter Thompson- 1 carry, 3 yards, 1 extra point
  • Karson Propst- 1 carry, 3 yards, 1 extra point


  • Liam Yeager- 5 completions, 70 yards, 1 TD

Receiving- .

  • Tyler Mayle- 2 receptions, 11 yards
  • Abram Dow- 1 reception, 26 yards, 1 TD
  • Tristan Rogers- 1 reception, 20 yards
  • Bentley Snodgress- 1 reception, 13 yards

Defense-   Tackles-

  • Abram Dow- 9
  • Chandler Cottrell, Bentley Snodgress- 6
  • Tyler Mayle, Cooper Summers- 5
  • Grayson Laughlin, Carter Thompson- 3
  • Tristan Rogers, Silas Cunningham- 2
  • Judd Helmick, Liam Yeager and Bronson Smith- 1

Fumble Recovery-

  • Grayson Laughlin, Tyler Mayle and Tristan Rogers – 1

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