Guest Writers News

Creston News Week of September 23

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. His father ended up back in the hospital.

The big fall Creston ATV poker run will be Saturday, September 28 with signups ending at noon.  The DNR locked a gate on a state road so a last minute detour was added.  The route is circa 60 miles long so maybe bring extra fuel along with a tow rope in the event the he man hole you tried to go through was too much for your chariot.  While laying out the route one machine ended up on its side but no one was hurt.  The route goes through the paw paw patch so one can get tasty treats for the ride.  The route goes by and through all sorts of historic sites, scenic places and beside all sorts of play holes to test out machines.  There are several miles of new route for the Creston run in addition to the detour.  Biscuits & gravy will start the day out for a day of fun for all the family as there are places where the children can stop & play along the route.  Also, this will be the last chance to get chances on the “Poker Run Quilt” which will be awarded to the winner on Saturday.

Spencer Radio Station WVRC held a cross country event at the Calhoun County Park on September 21.  Braiden Ferrell came in #3 in his category while Eli Ferrell came in first and had his personal best as well.  Eli’s team was first overall.

Jim McKnight was visiting his sister Barb Wright.

Ann Louise Bennett, age 90, of Belpre passed away.  She was a daughter of Tilden & Carrie Hopkins McClung,  Carrie the daughter of J. D. & Inza Headley Hopkins grew up in Island Run.

Folks need to check their flower beds to pull up any Japanese stilt grass before the seeds ripen.  The invasive pest puts harmful chemicals in the soil to inhibit the growth of native plants.

On Saturday Grantsville got a nice rain but all Creston received was a beautiful rainbow — thus the drought continues. The fire near Big Springs involving a downed power line shows the danger of the present situation.

Local residents have been having problems with Fed Ex delivery.  With the big new facility near Pettyville local deliveries come from Charleston.  Some have now insisted that UPS bring stuff that needs shipped.

Ricky Tucker suffered a stroke.

The Wirt road crew patched some of the bad places on W. Va. 5 but one best be careful when crossing them.

The big [$ 1 billion] Arch 2 hydrogen hub is now looking for projects to spend the taxpayers $$$ since some of the earlier plans “dropped out”.

The US EIA (Energy Information Agency) recently reported that while Texas has lots of low quality natural gas, West Virginia has some of the best quality natural gas, that is it has more gas liquids and higher heat value.  For those heating with wood it is like comparing box elder fire wood with seasoned oak.

EQT’s head honcho, Toby Rice, stated that the prices of natural gas will remain below $3 for the rest of the year.  Presently the Henry Hub price is $2.36 while gas sold in W. Va. Is much lower.

It was reported that the Chesapeake purchase/merger of Southwestern (SWN) for $7.4 billion will finally happen before year end.  The Biden Junta had held things up until, well you know, “What is it worth to you?”

Ira Lynch has not been feeling so well.  Carol Lynch was attending to business in Elizabeth.

It is understood that some Obama & Biden federal judges are going to rule that LNG [liquified natural gas] is not safe to go in train cars.  Ethane, propane, etc are safe to haul and such can also go be truck and barge.  Certainly the swamp needs drained.

Speaking of the swamp, Dick Chaney who was always for America and against communists, has said he is for Kackles, an avowed Marxist.  Obviously, he has to be one of the greatest frauds ever.  Kackles father is a Marxist so the daughter would be what normally was called a “red diaper baby” raised in the party.  She claims to be “middle class” but she grew up in a wealthy English enclave in Montreal.

Alvin Engelke on Saturday morning was met by four very cute little kittens.  They need new homes with little children who can love them

Shade Tree now has a new mascot, Cash who loves to have attention.  Cash likely is an appropriate name as he had to have all sorts of toys, etc.

CNX, part of the Rockefeller empire – Standard Oil Trust opened a new facility in Richlands Virginia to develop CBM [Coal Bed Methane] wells.  With the advent of the Marcellus & Utica fields CBM had pretty much come to a halt, at least in West Virginia.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $70.92/bbl. With condensate fetching $52.92/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light was $59.92/bbl.  With a card one can purchase gasolene in Parkersburg for $2.61/bbl.  It was noted that it could be such a thing as price manipulation to impact an election.


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