Community Events News

Calhoun Commission Votes to Assist Residents with Water

Kelli Barr, Director of Calhoun Office of Emergency Services addressed the Calhoun County Commission in relation to the drought conditions in Calhoun, which are now creating an issue in the homes of people who do not have city water and rely on wells and cisterns for their water supply.

According to Commissioner Kevin Helmick he had been contacted by several families who are now unable to bathe or have adequate drinking water due to the drought conditions.

Kelli stated that she had contacted her liaisons for the State regarding the emergency water situation to request help. The operators of the local water system have raised concerns for their ability to continue to provide water should the drought continue.

All three Commissioners expressed their concern for insuring that the community had the water for their homes and families and voted unanimously to provide up to $5,000 in bottled water that will be distributed to each community and $10,000 in bulk water for cisterns and wells.

Calhoun OES will be in charge of distribution. Bottled water will be purchased and available to local residents at drop zones such as the local fire departments.

Contact Ms. Barr at 304-354-9271 for further information on how to receive the water.

The Commission also passed a “Conserve Water Advisory” requesting that residents refrain from washing cars, watering lawns and gardens, or any un-necessary use of water until the drought advisory is lifted.


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