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Dear Elected Leaders: So You’re concerned about the Election?

Let me preface this by saying I too am concerned about the legitimacy of the November 5th election. So when the House Resolution 203 was presented in the WV Legislature on October 6th, 2024 it got my attention.

The Resolution is Requesting that the West Virginia Legislature will not recognize an illegitimate presidential stating:

Whereas, a Constitutionally valid government only exists and endures when elections are conducted in accordance with all applicable legal requirements and are free of violence or threats of violence, government manipulation, censorship, coercion, fraudulent voting, or manipulation of votes, election tabulation, and/or election results by any means whatsoever; and that

Whereas, in the 2024 election cycle there have been, to date, two assassination attempts on the Republican nominee for President of the United States while threats of assassination of the Republican nominees for president and vice president abound. The federal government, under the current Democrat-led regime, has utterly failed, and continues to fail, in a suspicious manner, in its absolute duty to adequately protect the Republican nominee for president; …

The Resolution introduced on October 6th, 2024 states Whereas, the Constitutions of the United States and the State of West Virginia require that only legal citizens may vote in U.S. and West Virginia elections, and that there is abundant evidence that non-citizens have been and are being registered to vote in the national election of 2024;

Would you say that there’s a lot going on in the United States right now? Including two horrific storms that the United States Government has been an utter failure on.

I appreciate that the government is taking this stand on the seriousness of the election of our President and their safety. But what I want is for you to take responsibility for the failures of your own.

Our current government has sat by and watched millions of illegal aliens come into the country while they shuffled papers a cross their desks and made themselves look important. They watched a hurricane come on shore and destroy state after state, killing an unknown number and rather than send our army into help them, you sent thieves and called them FEMA. FEMA has got to be fired.

You allowed the nations bank account to become a free debit card for other nations as you pay for their wars and allow your own nation to be attacked from within.

  • When is it that you will defend us?
  • When is it that you will support us?
  • When will you defend the Constitution and ignore the 1% that care only about defiling our children.

To the Citizens of our Nation, States and Communities:

Vote on November 5th, 2024 with this in mind. The next storm could hit you. The next child defiled could be your own or your grandchildren. The next war could come over the hill behind your house because these idiots are opening our borders to felons and people with nothing invested in our nation but entitled politicians who have handed them cash, medical care and a home while handing a victim of their own country $750.

It’s time to get serious.

Start at home.

Know your local candidates intentions. Hold State leaders feet to the fire with questions like, what have you personally done to stop this nonsense going on in America. Let Washington DC know, this Nation has had enough. Vote out “do nothing” leaders who are all talk and no action. That’s my two cents. Feel free to comment with your own.

For more information on House Concurrent Resolution 203

Legislative Session: 2024(2X)
LAST ACTION:H To House Judiciary 10/06/24 
SUMMARY:Requesting the West Virginia Legislature not recognize an illegitimate presidential election
SPONSORS:Mazzocchi, Dillon, Longanacre, Coop-Gonzalez, Foster, Foggin, Steele 
Bill Definitions ?
Introduced Version – html

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