Guest Writers News

Creston News for Week of October 14th, 2024

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The Creston Community Building Halloween party will be held Saturday, October 26 at the old school house.  Helpers are still needed as are helpers for the Christmas Party.

Randy Tucker, age 69, passed away on October 6.

Debbie Griffin was consulting with the medical experts at the Cleveland Clinic.

As a result of Hurricane Helene, many elective surgeries have been cancelled or postponed because of a lack of IV fluid that was made in a factory in the area of North Carolina where the geodirected storm stopped.  Congressional testimony from years ago makes clear that “the government” has the tools to use weather for warfare — even against American citizens.  In Hawaii the fire was where someone wanted a 15 minute city that was owned by “peasants” and in North Carolina there is a mining permit and, wouldn’t you know, the “second gentleman” is a big stockholder in one of the promoters.  Now, children there is nothing to see here, move on. Nexrad radar for storm direction must be misinformation.

A new hole has appeared in the westbound side of the bridge crossing the Little Kanawha River at Creston.  Folks should be careful.

The Wirt road crew has been doing a professional job mowing the road bank on W. Va. 5.  The roadside had been adorned with white & blue asters & golden rod but such is now past and can be mowed.

Eli Ferrell placed fifth & Braiden Ferrell placed sixth at the regional track meet held on the Poor Farm at Elizabeth.  There were several teams there including one from Lincoln County.

Jacques Frost came calling in Creston Friday morning.  Some places he visited last month but it is that time of year.  Leaves are starting to turn.

Local residents received a notice from Change Healthcare stating that the firm had had a “data breach”.  So far no one has determined why the California firm notified folks that had never heard of them.

Exxon/Mobil (the Rockefeller family), Occidental Petroleum & Phillips 66 have asked the Trump team to keep “the green new deal” a/k/a “The Inflation Reduction Act” since the firms are looking forward to making out like bandits on the “carbon capture” scam. Local residents have received mailings from the little university up at Morgantown which encourages taxpayers to “join up” on their “forest carbon programs”. Such might just be like standing in the smoke when one is burning poison ivy.

Some area folks got to see the northern lights and the pictures were spectacular.

The Columbia Climate Review stated that “journalists” have a “moral obligation” to give biased reports on any article that involves, coal, oil, natural gas.  That reporters should NOT be objective, period.

A dark money group gave $3 million for lawsuits against oil & gas producers for what might be called “nuisance suits”.

Some local folks attended the Pancake Breakfast Saturday at the Morristown community building.  Those folks serve good food including buckwheat cakes.  Others were at the fire station in Elizabeth to see AG Patrick Morrisey who is running for governor.

The WEF (World Economic Forum) has proposed a BAN on home grown food claiming that such activity promotes global warming.  The group said that “farming should be left to the professionals”.  Those who raise their own food are an obstacle to complete control of the entire world’s population. For background one might study the Book of Daniel. The “professionals” likely would include folks like ADM (Archer Daniel Midland) that own some US Senators & are involved in the unhealthy food that has caused childhood obesity to skyrocket.  These are the folks that Robert Kennedy Jr. has talked about that need to have their wings clipped and be removed from government positions.

The Henry Hub price of natural gas is $2.63/MMBTU but gas sold locally fetched just $0.8167/MMBTU.  Just a tad below the Louisiana price, but, you know, no one down at the Mouth of the Elk is concerned about the citizens of West Virginia or the state’s economy.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $74.56/bbl. With condensate bringing $56.56/bbl. While Marcellus & Utica light is $63.56/bbl


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