Shari Johnson, Publisher
Life is seldom easy. But throw into that mix the living of life in a very public manner such as that of a Publisher of local news and the complexity reaches a higher level. Everyone has an opinion. And if it differs from yours, then obviously there was malcontent in your reasoning for publishing the article they disagreed with. Being a Christian who proclaims it to the point of being “The Jesus Chick” also puts another level of scrutiny on oneself that can bear a high level of guilt if people get their feelings hurt because of something I published. I don’t take it lightly and without consideration before it’s published.
When, at a recent government meeting, I allowed personal feeling to enter the arena and lashed out at an official, I questioned myself repeatedly if it was justice I sought or revenge for having been wronged. I’m human… very human. It could have been either. And there were those ready to call me out on it. And that’s okay. Because it only served to drive me to the word of God to determine the truth.
Let’s first look at the difference between the two acts. Revenge is predominantly emotional while justice is primarily rational. Revenge is mostly about “acting out”, typically with ill intent and negative emotions. At its worst, there’s a need to see bloodshed and getting pleasure from seeing a person suffer for the hurt they’ve caused you. Justice isn’t about “getting even” or spite, it’s about righting a wrong, especially when it’s a matter where the victim is society as a whole who are harmed physically, fiscally, oppressed or devalued.
When emotions come into play with justice, it clouds the purpose of the action, permitting onlookers to assume revenge.
It is of course human nature to attempt to justify something as justice, rather than revenge, because revenge sounds very ugly.
A scripture from last night’s bible study at First Baptist Church reeled in my mind as I slept, knowing that I had just sent a complaint into the West Virginia Public Service District against the Town of Grantsville for the recent 60% rate increase. A meeting that I had described myself as derailing because of what I viewed as the Mayors provocation of myself through comments I deemed negative toward my husband and his former coworker. So, as has always been the case, I take every sermon seriously and assume God is speaking to me and have to wonder if it’s a woodshed moment.
Romans 12:17-19 KJV
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. [18] If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. [19] Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
So I awoke this morning and went into a conversation with God, asking as much.
When I began the consideration of the WV PSC complaint, I phoned the state organization and spoke to a representative, asking them the question, “Was the legal advertisement required by law for the Town of Grantsville legal with the manner for which is was ran. Within the legal ad, which was to inform the residents of Grantsville of the consideration of the Rate increase there was two dates, neither of which were completed by whomever filled out the form and sent it to The Calhoun Chronicle for publication. The dates were that of the first and second reading of the rate increase for public comment. The public had no idea from the legal ad when the meeting for the reading would take place. The answer from the Public Service Commission was, “I can’t tell you if it was legal or not, why don’t you just file a complaint and get your answer.”
Add to that a comment from the Mayor stating that “he was not required to send notice of such meetings to local press, and that residents had been notified by a note on their water bills” (which arrived after the meeting) and my question about whether my action were revenge or justice seemed irrelevant. It wasn’t revenge. The public deserved to know if the legal was legal.
But as for scripture I landed here:
1 John 3:17-18 KJV
But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? [18] My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
There are residents who cannot afford the 60% increase nor were they given proper notification. If that increase is not justifiably gotten, it’s our responsibility as a community to make sure it’s done according to law. If the citizens are required to obey the law… should not the government be?
Therefore Ridgeview News has filed a complaint with the public service commission asking the question “Did the town of Grantsville legally advertise the rate increase of 60% which was passed at the recent council meeting?” The matter is now in the WV PSC’s hands for determination.
The residents of Grantsville also took the matter into their own hands and filed a complaint with the WVPSC as well.
P.S. If this is considered blog material… I’m okay with that. It’s still the truth.