News Politics

A lesson for those who buy generic Ice Cream

By Publisher Shari Johnson

In a recent survey on the New York Post some eye opening statistics about the entitled liberal crowd caused me to ponder not only where we stand as a nation, but State and County as well. The current Democratic Party is out of touch with the average American. Likely even many in their own party. Although I am certainly not a political analyst, I am in touch with a great many people in my own community. Most people would just as soon live their lives and leave politics out of it all together, but that’s not how the world works. The political realm is controlling everything around us. 

But before I get on a tangent let me share these statistics with you.

In the NYP poll, 73% of the well to do consider themselves Democrats. And of those 73%, 84% of them think Joe Biden’s doing a marvelous job. 

Of those who buy name brand ice cream instead of generic, 74% of the rich and 88% of the super rich report that their financial status is going up. Is yours? Even after you bought the generic ice cream to save money?

So why does that matter,  being that they are so few in number. Because they control our political hierarchy. And if they’re not feeling the pain of the economy, they want absolutely nothing to change. Do you think it works any different in our little County on the map? No. That is why nothing has changed in Calhoun for decades because those with the money keep people in county offices for which they can control. 

If you want to know what happens when the rich control the commoner, you’ll likely not be eating any ice cream. An amazing 77% of the rich surveyed and 89% of the super rich surveyed said that they supported the “strict rationing of meat, gas and electricity.” It’s hard to have ice cream without electric. It will not surprise you that 72% of the rich and 81% of the super rich think that gas cars should be banned and 55% and 70% of those believe that non-essential air travel should be halted. But of course only for us peasants.

What doesn’t shock me at all (after reading retired Attorney Deirdre Purdy’s love fest with the Biden administration) is that that same group of “well to do’s” believe that the government affords Americans too much freedom. 

Now let’s put that into play locally. If I were to conduct that poll in Calhoun County, the percentages would likely change because the vast majority of the people in this county fall into the peasant range or moderate incomes. But there are still those with financial power that throw it into the lions arena to play and they start by putting that money and their influence into an election.  

Why is Republican voter registrations on the rise in Calhoun County? Is it because we agree with the National level of Republicans? Not really. I have many issues with that spineless bunch in Washington, DC. But locally, I have the ability to question face to face the people who are running for office and determine if they have my (the moderate income person) my best interest at heart and if they are morally where I want my representatives to stand.

So why does a low and moderate majority vote for a billionaire like Donald Trump? In the 2020 election nearly 80% of this county voted for him. He’s one of the elites right? It’s more important to the average Calhoun voter that our politicians aren’t playing politics with our lives so they can increase their own position and wealth. While our politicians may not be millionaires, the’ve not had our best interest at heart over the last Democratic run decades when they’ve insured that industry be turned away from this area. When they’ve held secret meetings outside the law to determine the votes before allowing the peasant to know their decision. 

When I read Deirdre’s last post defending Hunter Biden’s behaviors and saying that it was because his brother died young that caused his substance abuse I wanted to puke. Believe me I understand substance abuse can affect any family and the loss of someone you love can certainly attribute it. But let’s put his felony drug behavior aside (although we don’t do that for the peasants). What about the 10% for the big guy that came from his dealing with China and paid to then Vice President Biden. What about the lap top that our own federal government concealed their knowledge of, what about the fact that our President has to be lead from a platform or he turns the wrong direction. How can anyone with even an ounce of sense say that these behaviors are justifiable and that these people aren’t’ rotting in jail like a peasant would?

Are there crooked Republicans. Oh yeah. But I’m not voting for them and you shouldn’t either. Know your candidates, every single one of them and ask them the questions you want answers to. Ridgeview News and The Calhoun Chronicle will be hosting local debates, be there and be ready to ask the tough questions. 

As for the information related to the wealthy, money may talk, but you stop the conversation by getting the right people in office.
