Information from CMHS Social Media What a fantastic day of racing at the Wirt Wetlands Invitational, and our Middle School Cross County absolutely crushed it! Both the Boys and Girls races were stacked with talent, featuring 38 runners in the girls and 46 in the boys. But here’s the real kicker – every single one Read More…
GLENVILLE, WV – In recognition of Constitution Day, the Department of Social Science at Glenville State University held their annual commemoration of the formation and signing of the United States Constitution. This year, discussions and presentations focused on the Supreme Court and Article III of the Constitution. On Wednesday, September 14, Luke Bendick, Lecturer of Read More…
Bonnie Sands Congratulations to Calhoun County’s Young Writers. The winners will move onto the next phase at Marshall University, to compete against writers across West Virginia. Winners of Calhoun’s contest are invited to the Young Writers Day May 5, 2023, where they will attend writing workshops and learn how to sharpen their skills. Title Name Read More…