Publisher, Shari Johnson
That has been the question on my mind for the past few weeks. It comes to mind every time I hear how much the left is raising in the fight against Trump in the Presidential race. Not only him, but locally as well. While we are not in the same ballpark of donations locally that they are nationally; we’re also not in the same fiscal abilities and resources. However, if you put dollar for dollar in the equation of how many people the Democrats hope to reach nationally and locally. I’ll bet they’re pretty close.
Being that the local Calhoun Democratic Party has pretty much become non-existent publicly, I couldn’t tell you how much money has been invested. It appears that even some “republicans in name only” have began co-funding events with other democrats. Although according to the signage, there is no political affiliation between the candidates and the event.
Some would say that it’s questionable behavior, some would say it’s not. I’ll leave that opinion up to you. My question, “Are you for Sale?” stems from the fact, that when I asked if it would influence voters, to vote for people who sponsored a community event, some believed it would. If that is indeed the case, does that mean those who vote accordingly are for sale?
I realize that a sponsored event would likely not be the driving factor of your support for a candidate. But I’m really curious as to how much finances in a community factor in, in reality.
This year is unlike any I have ever experienced in my voting lifetime. While the political climate has always been ugly, it’s never been so outwardly vulgar. When Jill Biden praised the Paris Olympic opening saying it was “spectacular and she’s wondering how America is going to top that,” I wanted to puke. Then when she added that “America would be alright because we have Hollywood,” I envisioned our Olympic opening being more disgusting than theirs if that is possible. But just think about the current spiritual condition of Hollywood! Paris’ depiction of The Last Supper painting by Leonardo da Vinci, acted out with drag queens, was something that I could see as the final straw, causing God to call the Church home and out of this disgraceful mess. There’s not enough money in the world to make me vote for any politician that supports that trash. And before anyone says that it wasn’t a depiction of the Last Supper, the person in the middle depicting Christ named the show the Gay Testament.

Quite possibly the next argument will be that Calhoun politicians would never stand for a disgraceful act such as this. I hope they would not. But I have yet to see Democrats stand up for pro life, stand against transgender athletes, or defend children mutilated in sex change operations by money hungry physicians. These are matters that on the national level the Democratic Party stands in favor of. That is why Jill Biden thought that demonic act in Paris was “spectacular.” Because her moral base is grounded in evil.
Saying that brings me great angst. There will be those who call me out saying scripture tells us in Matthew 7:1 – Judge not, that ye be not judged. I love my community. I love all the people, no matter their politics or beliefs. But it’s not judging people if I state their behavior goes against the word of God.
The scripture is taken out of context. Christ teaches us that
He does expect us to “deal with the speck” in our friend’s eye, particularly our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’ll have to read Matthew 7 to get that relevance. He wants us to discern sin in others so we can help them get rid of it. The purpose of judging someone else’s weakness is to help him or her walk in freedom (1 Corinthians 5:12). But how can we help someone else if we are not free? We must first be willing to look honestly at our own lives and exercise the same judgment toward ourselves. When we do this, we judge from a position of humility. If a person boasts that they are not nearly as wicked as the person for whom they judge, they’re wrong. We’re all wicked in the heart. Scripture says that too. But God will for certain judge the man or woman who does not defend His word, and the effect that the evil of this transgender nonsense has on our children should not be overlooked by anyone.
So the question “Are you for sale?” Is not meant to be said in judgement. It’s meant to encourage all of us, myself included, to look at the candidates and what they support.
I am not naive enough to say Republicans don’t have issues that need judged. But we have to look at who (especially locally) is taking the greater action to stand on the side of God. Yes, there are evil Republicans. They too will stand before a Holy God and be judged. But when I stand before the throne and God judges my behavior on His behalf, how will I be found? Sold out for Him? Or sold out to the world?