Questions always arise around Calhoun Wood Festival time about what is required for food booths. A quick call to the Mid Ohio Valley Health Department garnered the answers for all those needing to know. According to the MOVHD, anyone preparing or serving food or drinks must have a food handler’s regardless of being paid or volunteer or regardless of age. The license can be obtained either online or in person at the MOVHD office in Parkersburg.
For online training go to www.MOVHD.COM, click the Environmental health tab, food safety and finally food safety training. At the bottom of the page there are three options for online training. (Or click the links below). Prices vary from $10-$15-$25 for in person or online training. A “Regional Card” is cheaper and covers the 6 county region of MOVRC. The statewide card is $25.

The Mid Ohio Valley Health Department (MOVHD) and the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council (MOVRC) are 2 different agencies. MOVHD is the local health department that is a part of a 6 county region whose main office is in Parkersburg.
Is this requirement written in any legislation or Health Department policy? It sounds like this would affect every High School concession stand in WV in requiring everyone volunteer to have a food handlers card, is that correct?
According to the MOVHD Food code, employees must have food service training. And this does include volunteers as well. They are emailing me a copy of the code and as soon as it’s received I’ll post it here as well.