Government News Politics

Are you Prepared for Tomorrow’s Results?

Clicking this map will take you to the WV Voter interactive map.

In less than 24 hours voters will begin going to their local precincts to cast their vote. While many have made up their minds about the direction they’re voting, there are those who have not for various reasons. I personally am a registered Republican but I don’t always vote party, I vote conscience as lead by the Word of God. That’s how I roll! I don’t interfere in anyone else’s convictions on voting. If they ask my opinion, and believe me I have one, I’ll provide it. But I’ll not tell anyone, including my own children how to vote. I raised them to have their own opinion and be informed. I only ask this:


I continually hear about the democracy we live in. That’s true, but as a nation we are not a democracy, we’re a republic.

In a democracy the power is in the hands of the people. In the Republic, power is in the hands of individual citizens. In a democratic system, laws are made by the majority. In the Republic system, laws are made by the elected representatives of the people.

While we each have the right to our own votes and opinions (democracy) when it comes to the governing of our communities and our country, we place that trust in the people we elect. (Republic). That’s what the constitution of the United States says. Not Shari Johnson. Therefore, if you don’t vote, you’re giving up your right to determine the direction of the County, State and Nation for which you live.

If you’re satisfied with the direction our communities are going, then you should vote for those who are in office to stay in office. If you’re dis-satisfied with the direction we’re going, you should choose a candidate that aligns with your belief system. Not to vote is giving up a right that someone gave their life for. I can’t take their sacrifice lightly. I hope you won’t either and that you’ll make your way to the polls if you’ve not already.

Once the vote is in, our responsibility doesn’t stop there. We need to make our opinions known and stop allowing those in office to be un-accountable.

