Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Because of rain the flea market and car show at the Creston Community Building were cancelled and both rescheduled for Saturday, May 27. Hope to see everyone there. Rick Tucker who had open heart surgery and then a broken hip is Read More…
The Northern WV Area Health Education Center Moving Onward & Upward program, a collaboration of NWVAHEC, Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center, and Calhoun Middle/High School. This program provides the opportunity for high school students to explore health career interests through active participation in a health center environment. Students experience a variety of job skills through Read More…
GLENVILLE, WV – As part of the Little Kanawha Reading Series, Glenville State University will play host to Trillium contributors on Wednesday, April 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the Robert F. Kidd Library. The event will also feature special guest reader, Tara Wine-Queen. The event will serve as an opportunity for contributors to the Trillium, Glenville State’s annual Read More…