Community Events Schools

Arnoldsburg Students Do Their Part to Help WAG’s Efforts

Several Students from Arnoldsburg Elementary School spent eight days collecting food for WAG, The Welfare of Animals Group.

To date, WAG has helped with the spaying/neutering of over 1000 animals.

The group will be holding a meeting some time in the near future and will be needing volunteers to help through the TNR (Trap – Neuter – Release) season. When someone is feeding a community of feral cats in Calhoun County WAG traps them and then takes them to the veterinary clinic in Ripley for surgery. The cats are kept overnight in a controlled temperature, then returned to where they came from. This is a process that takes about two weeks from start to finish. Currently Linda Buchannan does the TNR, which is very time consuming and labor intensive. Jim Morgan does most of the trapping and distributes food to caretakers of cat colonies and Jane Carpenter schedules the pet clinics.

WAG is hoping to get a conversation started for a shelter but for now they offer reduced spay and neutering fees for qualified applicants (application below).