The Senior Class of Calhoun Middle High School were given the opportunity to provide the information in this series of highlights, as an introduction to the graduating class of 2024. Some chose, their name only, others answered a few questions, but none the less we are proud as a community of each and every student Read More…
The Roane and Calhoun Local Emergency Planning Committees met at Roane General Hospital on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025. Those attending the meeting were Joseph Cantley, Shannon May, Makkah Ratliff, Douglas Conrad, Woody Wilson, Curt Bartholomew, Tina Persinger Hamrick, Jess Metz, Jason Wilson, Hillary Hickman, Judy Brannon, Shari Johnson, and Eric Lupardus. Randall Richards and Jacob Read More…
AGENDA CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING December 11, 2023 9:00 am Call To Order: I. Pledge of Allegiance: II. Approve Minutes:​November 13, 2023 – November 21, 2023 (Special Meeting) III. Delegations/Requests: A. IV. Reports A. E-911, LEPC and OES B. Ambulance C. Wood Festival Committee D. CRI E. County Park F. FRN G. Home Confinement Report H. Sheriff’s Report and Requests I. Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation V. New Business: Read More…