The West Virginia State Police and the West Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office are investigating Saturday’s Fire as a possible Murder Suicide.
Harvey Haerr phoned Calhoun Control to report his home on fire shortly before 1 p.m. Saturday afternoon, telling the dispatcher that there were live rounds in the fire, and for the firefighters to proceed with caution.
Not sure of what was going on and suspicious of a possible ambush, Fire Fighters and police staged off scene. Unknowingly, Ridgeview News went on scene thinking it was just a typical fire.
When Publisher Shari Johnson, and Writer Whitney Butler arrived at the home it was an eerie scene of small fires and smoldering around the home. James and Amanda Kerby, neighbors and friends of the Haerr’s were on the scene first and calling for their friends. As Whitney walked around the house she witnessed the body of Harvey Haerr laying on the sidewalk that enters the house with a gun laying on the ground beside him. Immediately exiting that part of the property, she phoned 911 to say that police were needed on scene.
When WV State Police Trooper Warden arrived on scene, Ridgeview staff told him what they’d discovered upon their arrival and then left the scene. Upon their departure the house was still standing in its entirety but still burning.
The driveway leading to the property was a well kept road, but very narrow and wet from the recent rains. Ridgeview News was told and it was confirmed by Chief Joe Tanner that the Fire Departments; Arnoldsburg, Upper West Fork and Clover of Roane County attempted to get on scene after a delay for safety reasons, but some of the larger trucks were not able to travel the narrow, steep hill. One truck sliding into the ditch line. When crews did get on scene the fire had escalated to the point that entry into the dwelling was not possible.

The body of Elizabeth Haerr was discovered on Sunday at around 1 p.m. and her remains were sent to the State Medical Examiner to determine the cause of death. Harvey Haerr’s body was also sent to the Medical Examiner.
At the present time the incident is under investigation by the West Virginia State Police, and the West Virginia State Fire Marshall’s office. This is an ongoing story for Ridgeview News.