In a complaint filed in the Magistrate’s Court Court of Calhoun County, Deputy H. Stephens stated that on January 28th, 2025, she had received a text message from a WVDHHR – CPS worker, advising her of an incident which had occurred that morning between the victim and her boyfriend, Dylan Little. The incident occurred on Sand Ridge Road in Calhoun County where the CPS worker had been advised that Dylan had thrown and busted a lamp and television and had been told to leave by the victim, who’s children were present at the time. During an interview, the CPS worker was told that Dylan had gotten angry that morning and broken the television, yelled at the victim and “was beating her.”
Deputy Stephens accompanied the CPS worker to pick up the children from school and place them in the custody of their maternal grandmother. The two then traveled to the victim’s home and observed the absence of a television on the entertainment stand and drips of red liquid on the hallway floor that appeared to be blood. The victim also showed Deputy Stephens the broken lamp, admitting to arguing with Dylan Little that morning when he had broken the lamp and punched the television, breaking both items and cutting his hand. She showed several decorations that he had knocked off her hallway wall and said that Dylan had screamed at her,
calling her a “bitch,” “whore,” and “slut.” She also said that he had pressed his forehead against hers.
When Deputy Stephens informed the victim that her children were afraid of Dylan, she replied “I know they are.” The children had been present in the home at the time of this incident.
The following day, on January 29th, 2025, the victim spoke to Deputy Stephens again and tearfully admitted that Dylan had thrown a glass cup at her head and that the cup would have hit her had she not ducked. She also reported injuries that occurred from previous incidents and that Dylan has made threats to kill her before. The victim admitted that she had been scared for herself and her children during the incident on January 28th. She also stated that she and Dylan often stayed in the same house together.
Dylan Little was arrested for Second Offense Domestic Assault, Destruction of Property causing a current Calhoun Circuit Court bond to be revoked. He is currently in the West Virginia Central Regional Jail awaiting trial. Dylan Little is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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