In 1974, President Gerald Ford authorized EMS Week to celebrate EMS practitioners and the important work they do in our nation’s communities. National Emergency Medical Services Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s frontline. Minnie Hamilton Celebrated EMS Week by Read More…
Principal’s Honor Roll Kindergarten-Emery Atkinson, Nathan Burkett, Henley Cunningham, Jessa Ferrell, Asher Hartz, Owen Heiney, Fatima Aiyla Manalas, Cambry Mathes, Cayden Meeker, Avery Norman, Scarlett Probasco, Hayven Small, Sawyer Sims, Halynn Whytsell 1st Grade-Trinity Baker, Wyatt Blosser, Brentley Bradley, Jessie Cadle, Zion Coleman, Wyatt Hartshorn, Isaiah Hickman, Ethan Laborin, Genevieve Riggs, Kaislee Sampson, Ryder Simmons, Willie Read More…