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Wood Festival Announces Pageant Dates
The Calhoun County Wood Festival will be having their Queen Flora Pageant and Wood Festival Pageants on Saturday, May 14 and Sunday, May 15 at the Calhoun County High School Auditorium beginning at 6:00pm each night. On May 14th the following pageants will be held. The Queen Flora Pageant, Little Miss Calhoun and Jr. Miss Read More…
Friday Evening Halloween Party Invitation
Friday, Oct. 20 at 6 pm, Studio 88, county-wide program for piano & vocal students, will host a Halloween Party at CCCOA building, 105 Market St. Grantsville. Open to the public, children & adults welcome. Costumes not required but encouraged. Entertainment includes performances, open mike, games, contests. Food will be provided.
Sale today at the Calhoun County Community Center
Crystal Mersh opened the opportunity for area residents to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather today, Friday, February 11, by setting up tables to sell their goods and wares. The sale, that started at 11 a.m. will end at 4 p.m. or when the tables are sold out. Stop by today and support local Read More…