“The 1% of the 1 %”
Bryant Yoak, 16 year old Calhoun Middle High School Junior, has committed to playing for West Virginia University to continue his dream of playing baseball at the next level. Bryant is the son of Alex and Heather Yoak of Big Springs.
This past Saturday Bryant pitched one inning in Alanta Georgia at the WWBA. Coach Steve Sabins from WVU was there and got in touch with Bryant’s coach, asking Bryant to call him as soon as the game was over. After the game Bryant and his family went to their vehicle and returned Coach Sabins call. Bryant was then told that Sabin’s wanted him to be a Mountaineer. At 9:30 Saturday night Bryant called him and committed.
Coach Sabins told Bryant he “is the 1% of 1% that this ever happens to in getting a scholarship to your dream school.”
Bryant said of the opportunity ”I am very blessed that I will continue my dream to play baseball at the next level at West Virginia University. First off, I would like to thank my family for all the sacrifices they made for me in this journey. Secondly, thank you to all the coaches who helped me along the way and also the coaching staff at WVU for this opportunity. Most importantly, thank God, for giving me the talent to pursue this game. I can’t wait to be a West Virginia Mountaineer in 2024.