Business Community News

Cabot Recycling Center Receives Equipment Grant

Cabot Recycling Center announced yesterday that the final item from a two year grant the center received from WVDEP-REAP was purchased. The Recycling Center received a Skid Steer Loader, delivered by Bob Cat in Parkersburg. Also received was a cardboard baler, which has been installed, and a dump trailer. Lisa Cooper, Director stated that that it was “A blessing to be able to work with WVDEP-REAP’s Travis Cooper who helped them through the legal and bidding process of their application.”

Ms. Cooper also stated that Tanya Cunningham, Assistant to the Director, worked several hours on getting the required documents processed and in the hands of the necessary agencies to see that the grant was approved. The center was very happy to have her on their team.

Brenda Gherke Bush is a happy camper, checking out the Center’s new purchase.

Ms. Cooper added that “The Board of Directors for Calhoun County Solid Waste Authority is a wonderful board, and we have the Calhoun County Commission showing us so much support.” Board members: are Amanda Morris – Chair, Carol Sloane – vice chair, Brenda Gherke Bush, Dale Cunningham, and Janet Cunningham.

Staff member Jake Cottrill is the driver for the equipment. Congratulations to Cabot Recycling Station on the new purchase, continual business growth and your service to Calhoun County.