Government News

Calhoun Commission Meeting to Interview Commission Applicants

According to the post on the porch, the Calhoun County Commission will be meeting on September 26th, 2023 for the consideration of five applicants for the appointment of the Calhoun County Commission position vacated by Matt Walker.

Those applying for the position are Carl Collins of Big Springs, Ralph Cunningham of Grantsville, Alice Holmes of Five Forks, Eric Lupardus of Grantsville and Ari White of Mt. Zion.

The application process is still open until September 22, 2023.


One Reply to “Calhoun Commission Meeting to Interview Commission Applicants

  1. I may be wrong and it would not be a surprise but I am not sure they can call an executive sessions for interviews because the only things you can call executive session for is personnel items and contract negotiations.
    Since the people being interviewed are NOT employees until after they are hired.
    Therefore an executive sessions for interviews probably is illegal.
    My suggestion if they want private interviews is to table the hiring until later and set up private interviews at a hiring meeting not open to the public.
    If not that they could hold open interviews during the meeting and go ahead and name the new commissioner.
    But my guess is they may just go ahead and do thins the way they want since it appears that few to none of the government entities in this area adhere to the sunshine law for public meetings.
    By th way you have five good candidates and two outstanding candidates. Just make sure he person named is a Republican since that was the people’s will in electing the commission who resigned.

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