WV State Police, Trp. E.E. Taylor vs. Chadwick Hayden Hughes, 21M07F00017, Domestic Battery 3rd Offense, Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/4/23
State of WV vs. Chadwick Hayden Hughes, 21M07F000057, Failure to meet an obligation to provide support to a minor, Preliminary Hearing Waived, Magistrate Lora Davis, 4/4/23.
West Virginia State Police, TFC David C. Moore vs. Joseph Earl Yoak, 23M07F00013, (1) Prohibited person possessing a fire arm, (2) Failure to provide registration changes (3) Failure to provide registration changes, Preliminary Hearing Waived, Magistrate Lora Davis, 4/14/23.
WV State Police, TFC David C. Moore vs. Linda Lou Moss, 21M07M00309, Persons prohibited from possessing firearms, Guilty verdict before Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/19/23.
Calhoun County Sheriff, Warren Basnett vs. Braden Kennedy, 21M07M00406, Failure to produce operators, Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/17/2023
WV State Police, Trp. Josh Richards vs. Amy Lou Yoak, 22M07M00097, Petit Larceny, dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/10/23
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Brooklyn Keener, 22M07M00320, (1) Reckless driving, (2) Passing in No passing zone, (3) Battery on officer (4) Following too closely considering sped, traffic and road conditions, Guilty verdict on all 4 counts by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/18/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Keith Allen Lamp, 22M07M00403, Petit Larceny, Dismissed pursuant to plea agreement by Magistrate Lora Davis On 4/14/23.
WVDNR, Jonathan Neal Holcomb vs. David Little, 23M07M00005, (1) Illegal Possession of Wildlife, (2) Tagging transporting and reporting bear, deer, wild boar and wild turkey, Not guilty verdict on both counts by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/25/23.
WV State Police, Jeffrey Hunt vs. James Lee King, 23M07M00013, (1) Driving while license suspended or revoked -general, (2) Accident involving damage to vehicle, (3) No insurance, (4) Espiration of registration and certificates of title. Guilty Pleas on count 1/2, Counts 3/4 dismissed pursuant to plea. Magistrate Lora Davis 4/17/23.
WV State Police, Jeffrey Hunt vs. James E. Howard, Jr., 23M07M00025, DUI 1st offense, Guilty Plea entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/10/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Justin W. Ramsey, 23M07M00055, Expired MVI, Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis 4/12/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. James T. Morgan, 23M07M00059, No MVI, Dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis 4/4/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Josh Richards vs. Mark Brian Harris, 23M07M00069, Driving while license suspended or revoked – general, No contest plea entered before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 4/3/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Matthew Verbus, 23M07M00073, Driving under the influence of alcohol with an alcohol concentration in blood of >-.15, guilty plea entered before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 4/4/23.
WV State Police, Sgt. Christopher J. Weekley vs. Coty Allen Roberts, 23M07M00079, No insurance, case dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/3/23
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Mary E. Pittman, 23M07M00083, Expired Registration, case dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/14/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. David A. Clary, 23M07M00086, Domestic assault – committing violent injury or causing apprehension of same, Not guilty verdict by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/20/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Elbert Virgil Beckett, Jr., 23M07M00087, Improper display of reg/covered by lights hanging, dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/19/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Josh Richards vs. Rodney Wayne Smith, 23M07M00089, Speeding in a school zone, dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/10/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Josh Richards vs. Ariah D. Bailey, 23M07M00090, Operation without cert. of inspection or failure to produce certificate, Dismissed by Magistrate Davis 4/14/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian E. Young vs. Rebecca Stanley, 23M07M00091, Speeding, Guilty verdict by Magistrate Lora Davis, 4/20/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Brian e. Young vs. James Carpenter, 23M07M00092, (1) Operation without cert. inspection or failure to produce certificate (2) No Inurance, (3) Knowingly or intentionally possessing a controlled substance without a valid prescription. Charge 2 Dismissed, Charges 1/3 had guilty pleas entered before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 4/20/23.
State of WV vs. Jimmy Dawson, 27M07M00092, Battery, No contest plea entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/14/23.
WV DNR Jonathan Neal Holcomb vs. Richard Butt, 23M07M00094, Additional Powers (regulatory violations), No contest plea entered before Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/17/23.
WVDNR Jonathan Neal Holcomb vs. Michael Starcher, 23M07M00095, Additional Powers (regulatory violations), No contest plea entered before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 4/17/21.
WV State Police, Trp, Josh Richards vs. Charles K. McKown, 23M07M00098, (1) Unsafe and improperly equipped vehicles, applicability of article to farm and road equipment, (2) Operation of vehicles without evidences of registration, Both counts dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 4/21/23.
WV State Police, Trp. Josh Richards vs. Richard Allen Starcher, 23M07M00102, (1) No Insurance, (2) Notice of change of address or name (issuance of license). Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 4/25/21.