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Calhoun County Park News

By Roger and Linda Jarvis

The monthly Calhoun County Park Board Meeting was held Thursday, August 3, 2023 with Astronomer John Dennis in attendance. The meeting in July was canceled due to July Park events.

Another “Friends of the Park” Volunteer Work day was held Thursday, August 17th to finish the Sandfork Playsets Project. Nine hundred bags of rubber mulch were spread for safety under the structures with several volunteers assisting.

The July 4th Park event was fun for all with the Bouncy Houses for kids, music by John Richards, Will Freed and Bruce Jones, and the annual Fireworks Display. The Park Board appreciated the community support.

We are waiting on renovation of the Community Building until the heat eases. Project includes repair of siding after installation of new windows, replacing rusted, leaking screws in roof, new barn ceiling and floor upstairs, and barn lights.

The foundation for the Dome Observatory will be prepared in the coming weeks.

Pond treatment was discussed about pellets for plant growth.

The actual work on the Ball Fields will begin in April of 2024, but plans and preparation will happen prior. Any assistance from the communmity would be appreciated!

On Friday, August 18th, Calhoun County Park was one of the parks for which the Overlanders visted. Twenty plus campers visited the Heritage Village and other other parts of the park.

Work on the East Field Shelter (Shelter/Bathrooms Project at Cabin site) will continue with sidieng, dry wall and installation of washer/dryer and metal ceiling.

The Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department will be pressure washing the inside of the four picnic shelters on Monday August 28th to prepare them for future painting. Help is needed on MOnday to move picnic tables from the shelters if weather permits. The Park thanks the Fire Department for their community support in this effort.

The main gate and the elevator lift are currently not working. Various technology services are being looked into. If anyone in the community has any input please contact the board.

The Calhoun County Park is yours. We try to make it the most for you. The Park Board is in need of the following services: Making Reservations for the Park Barn, Shelters, Camping and Cabin; Advertising/Publicity, Website Maintenance, Grant Writing, Volunteer Recruiting, Local Support, Pond Upkeep and stocking, and playground inspection. The Next Calhoun Park meeting will be September 7th at 6:00 p.m.
