Submitted by: Kathy Wood and Linda Jarvis
The monthly Calhoun County Park Board Meeting was held Thursday, May 2, 2024 with Commissioner Roger Propst, and Star Gazers Tim Wilcox and John Dennis in attendance.
• New member recommendations were discussed.
• We thank Minnie Hamilton for sponsoring the Kite Festival!
• A load of sand will be added to the Ball Field.
• The Annual July 4th Park Event being held Saturday, June 29th may include Will Freed performing along with John Richards (3:30-6:30 PM) and the Johnny StaatsProject (6:30-9:30 PM). Donnie Pitts will book Bouncy Houses: 2 units and a water slide. The Board needs to also secure fireworks and finalize financial support. The Park Board thanks the community for their support of this event!
• With the support of the County Commission thirty-two new concrete picnic tables have been ordered.
• The Eastern Blue Bird that keeps visiting the back porch of the cabin has been named “Kevin”. Building bird houses was discussed.
• Posting a sign of “Star Etiquette” at the entrance of the Eastern Star Field site was discussed.
• The two bathrooms at the East Field Shelter (Shelter/Bathrooms Project work at Cabin site) are finished. Dry wall, installation of washer/dryer, and flooring inlaundry room is moving forward.
• Tim Wilcox from Ohio thanked the Park for such a great Star Gazing Site. It is a “Gem”!
• John Dennis suggested red motion light sensors for the bathrooms.
• Replacing siding on Community Building and painting support beams of Amphitheater was discussed by members. A work day will be designated.
• Roger Propst shared the following from County Commission:
➢ Area being pursued for temporary Dog Shelter for up to twelve dogs
➢ Discussion of possible Blue Grass Festival
➢ Update on Calhoun partnering with American Medicines Company.
• Jake Binegar is scheduled to perform September 21st at the amphitheater if weather permits (October 5th is the alternate date).
• +Date set, May 14th with alternate day May 21st, to finish old Sand Fork School site landscaping promised and look at the changes that have been made in area.
• Amount set for extended stay at a Camp Ground Site.
• Overlanders will visit once again for one night using six camp sites, May 16th.
• Board discussed having a “Wet Lands” Naturalist Program at the Park.
Reminder of upcoming events:
May 10 Park Work Day on Amphitheater
May 11 3rd Annual Kite Festival
May 14 Finish Landscaping of Old Sand Fork School Site
May 16 Overlanders Camping
June 29 Annual Fourth of July Fireworks
June 6: Next Calhoun Park Meeting at 6 PM (Public always invited.)
Sept 21: Jake Binegar Country Music 7-9 PM at the Community Building
This County Park hopes to see you and your family at the “Fourth of July Event” for an evening of fun! Thank you for your support!