
Calhoun Farm Bureau Representatives Travel to Charleston

Submitted by Barry Miller

Farm Bureau day at the Capital was held Monday January 30, 2023. Calhoun President Dean Miller, members Ray Hall and Barry Miller traveled to Charleston. They spent the day among the Senators and Representatives and spent around an hour talking with Speaker of the House Roger Hanshaw. There was discussion about farm bills in process at that time. Farming is extremely important to anyone who eats. The Farm Bureau works with the legislature to assure farming can continue in West Virginia. Without the Bureau’s hard work and diligence farming as we know it wouldn’t be what it is today. If you farm at ANY level joining The Farm Bureau should be a priority. After the day at the Capital, we were treated to a dinner of foods supplied by West Virginia farmers. To say it was delicious would be an understatement. It was a privilege to represent Calhoun County at the State’s highest level.
