GLENVILLE, WV – Glenville State University graduate and current Board of Governors member Ann Green and her husband Larry Green have recently established the Edwin and Opal Vincent Starcher Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship was created to honor Green’s parents. Her father was a 1949 Glenville State graduate and her mother was an instructor at Glenville State Read More…
Submitted by Brandy Brabham, WVU Roane Co. Extension Agent, 304-927-0975. WVU Extension in Roane County along with the West Central Extension Master Gardener Association is offering a tree pruning training during their annual tree trimming workday at the Roane County Courthouse lawn on Friday, March 15, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Local Agriculture and Natural Resources WVU Extension Agent, Brandy Brabham serving in Roane County will provide a brief overview Read More…
After a three day jury trial in the Circuit Court of Judge Anita Harold Ashley, Linda Lou Moss was convicted of the misdemeanor offense of “Possession of a Controlled Substance (meth)” but not of the offense of “Possession with intent to deliver.” The jury deliberated several hours, but ultimately were only convinced of her possession, Read More…