On Wednesday, June 28 the Welfare of Animals Group (WAG) will be humanely trapping stray and feral cats in the Chloe, Orma, and Grantsville areas to have them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and ear tipped (the universal sign that a cat has been part of a Trap-Neuter-Return program). We would appreciate if you would not put food Read More…
The Little Kanawha Valley Christian School will host their annual Angel Fest on December 3rd, 2022 from 5 to 7p.m. Handcrafted Angels donated for a silent auction will be on display for those in attendance by no to place their bids. Also available will be concessions of soups and homemade bread. Funds will go the Read More…
PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday August 26, 2023 10:00 AM 193 Meadowview lane Elizabeth WV (Big Island Run Church) We are pleased to be offering personal property and tools belonging to Mr. Harold Stutler at auction to the highest bidders. 100% of the proceeds from Mr. Stutler’s belongings will go to benefit his church. There will be Read More…