Community News Schools

Calhoun Varsity Cheerleaders Prepare for Season with Practice, Performance & Positivity

Front (L to R) Laura Reeves, Hannah Knicely, Holly Carper, Addie Collins, Mylea Hess, Morgan Ferrell
Center: Raeonna Stamper, Amera Hosey, Raylee Cunningham, Chloe Capell, Addison Laughlin, Madison Jones
Back: Asst. Coach Lacy Hicks, Lana Laughlin, Head Coach Whitney Butler, Mason Snider, Kassidy Fredrick and WVU Competitive Cheer

Calhoun Varsity Cheerleaders spent Friday and Saturday with WVU Competitive Cheer preparing for the fall 2024 season. Coach Whitney Butler continues to build the cheer squad in hopes of also building a competitive spirit within the girls for the coming seasons cheerleading competitions.

Ridgeview News is a number one fan of this team, and sponsored breakfast for the overnight weekend event.

There’s more to cheer than just sideline. The sport of cheerleading is highly competitive and takes a great deal of talent, discipline and work. The cheer squads and their coaches spend hours every evening after school, as well as special practices, like that of the weekend with WVU; not to mention the hours put in by coaches preparing routines, organizing events and fundraisers.

One of the fundraising goals for Coach Whitney Butler is to purchase a mat for tumbling and stunting as well as the mat they’ll use for competitive surface. The mats would be maintained by the Varsity Cheerleading coach for all cheerleaders from youth to high school to use. The cost of the mat is $9,000 (It takes nine of the mats below to create the floor.) Please support these loyal ladies as they compete themselves and encourage the home teams.
