Community Government News

CCFA Prepare to Address Commission and BOE

The meeting of Calhoun Citizens for Accountability was held at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department on Thursday evening in preparation for the upcoming Calhoun County Commission and Calhoun County Board of Education meetings on Monday, May 8th. 

The non-partisan group of Calhoun residents were organized for the purpose of bringing awareness to county issues where government leadership has gone out of bounds. Monday morning they’ll address the Calhoun County Commission with regards to the Calhoun Sheriff’s Budget and their belief that the Calhoun County Commission have failed to safeguard the Community by creating a budget that would not allow the Sheriffs office enough funding to run properly. There is also concern that certain areas in the budget were overfunded and could possibly look like budget padding when crucial budget items were not addressed properly.

Monday evening the group, as well as other citizens, plan on addressing the Calhoun County School Board and their failure to advise parents of a new project based curriculum that could leave our children facing failure in the core subjects that they’ll need for High School and College. The meeting will be held in the Middle High School Auditorium and all parents are encouraged to attend. With the current scores of Calhoun Students being low, there is legitimate concern that the students wellbeing was not considered when Calhoun was given the opportunity to Pilot a program that other schools have dropped out or declined and only one additional school is involved which is also a financially strapped system.

Calhoun Citizens for Accountability encourages participation by all Calhoun citizens and appreciates a variety of view points. The common goal of all who attend is that local Government is for the people and by the people. No longer will back room meetings where decisions are made outside the public’s knowledge be tolerated, nor will poor investments of money and resources be allowed without regard for what is best for Calhoun families.