The Senior Class of Calhoun Middle High School were given the opportunity to provide the information in this series of highlights, as an introduction to the graduating class of 2024. Some chose, their name only, others answered a few questions, but none the less we are proud as a community of each and every student who studied and did their best to become next year’s Alumni! Ridgeview News wishes only the best to every student and I’m whispering a prayer for the families as they too, start on a journey of empty nesting. God bless!!!!

What are your plans after graduation?I honestly don’t know yet but once I get out and start looking for jobs I’ll figure it out.
Favorite quote: “You don’t realize the chapter you are living in until it’s the very last time you will ever get to live in it.” -Thaliya Martinez
Advice to pass on: Whenever things get hard don’t give up. Just keep your head up and keep fighting for what you want.

What are your plans after graduation? I plan to attend WVUP in the fall for my dental assisting certifications, and I will continue my education at BridgeValley Community and Technical College for an Associate’s Degree in dental hygiene, to become a registered dental hygienist.
Favorite quote: “Just because it’s taking time, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.”
Advice to pass on: Make the most of your high school years and never give up on what you want. Do what makes you happy in life and what you feel is the right path for you.