Business Community Events News

Chamber of Commerce – “It’s better for all of us”

The first official meeting of the newly forming Calhoun Chamber of Commerce was held last night at the Calhoun Middle High School Library. Considerable interest has been shown in forming the organization by both established and new business in the area, but there is certainly room for growth and more involvement. Calhoun is experiencing a growth in business with new businesses popping up in the northern, central and southern end of the County. It’s an exciting time to be a part of our community!

Shelia Burch, Director of the Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation (LKADC) hosted the meeting to provide information for interested parties.

What is a Chamber of Commerce? Its a coalition of area businesses, industries, organizations and professionals who pool their talents an d resources to improve the economic, civic and cultural climate of their community. It’s an advocate for business and all organizations are eligible and encouraged to belong the Chamber of Commerce. It is not apart of any government organization, nor is it part of any other organization. Business and non-profits are welcome, but governmental agencies need not apply.

The organizations represented last night were, service, marketing and retail, business, health industry, press, banking, political and business development. All of which are great entities to begin, but there is so much more that can be done with a greater diversity of business within the organization.

How can it help you? As a small business networking is imperative for your success. The Chamber of Commerce will open the door for you to have the opportunity to network with other businesses in the area to discuss, problem solve and receive innovative ideas to help your business and theirs. As a member you’ll receive free marketing and get free promotion. The Chamber will become a information central for new and existing community members to understand what’s available in the area and who has it. They’ll be exclusive advertising perks and other benefits that will grow from the organization. We can pool our resources, work together and form partnerships to make Calhoun County a better place to do business. L

Steve Whited of Minnie Hamilton Health System attended and said ”Any job we can be a part of creating is better for all of us. This is well worth the effort.”

Crystal Mersh of the 1982 Foundation said that ”You cannot save yourself into prosperity, you must grow yourself into it.”

Calhoun is on the brink of opportunity and now is your chance to be involved. No matter the business size, large or small. No matter the business type, retail, industrial or service, there is a need for your representation, for your voice to be heard.

The group received a $1,000 grant from the Roane County Economic Development Authority to begin their venture and will use part of this to apply for a 501c6.

Stay tuned for more up and coming meetings and for more information, contact Shelia Burch of the LKADC by calling (304) 483-4679.