
Christmas Magic Brought to You by People Who Care

The 1982 Foundation once again pulled off a Christmas Miracle for more than 600 very happy children with a dozen or so very tired elves. Chrystal Mersh, President of the 1982 Foundation and her team transformed the old gymnasium at Calhoun County High School, still on the far side of it’s glory days, into a toy store that childhood dreams and memories were made of.

The only thing brighter than the very large tree in the back of the store was the children’s faces as they lit up when being led into the building to meet their very own personal shopping elf. Parents could sit and watch as their child experienced something few children have the opportunity to, knowing what it feels like to have a community of people who care this much.

Approximately $70,000 worth of some of the most popular toys of the season were organized into departments by the children’s ages. Some toys so large that the elves had to disassemble what their elf friends assembled earlier in the week to make it fit inside the vehicle of very surprised parents and grandparents who didn’t quite expect the blessing they were about to receive. There was no income eligibility guidelines; this Christmas experience was for every child that signed up in the County, because Crystal wanted it to be about the socialization of a community, not about socioeconomics.

Many families also received a fruit basket filled with goodness donated by Calhoun Banks, Minnie Hamilton Health System and Bible’s from area churches.

As the event lasted for more than a few hours, parents were entertained by Clayton Barnhart, Jim Sullivan and other volunteers at the Wayne Underwood field, even braving cold winter drizzles to wait their turn inside the toy store. Fresh soup and hot chocolate was provided, being served out of large kettles on the fire that were dual purpose in heating the soup and the people.

Elf Brenda kept the troops entertained before and after the toy store opened. She was for certain cut from the cloth that makes an elf magical.
Another Elf Brenda made the event special by offering her smiling face to the toy store visitors and and appearing with Crystal on media material.
Crystal Mersh cheered her team on just before the event began and had Steve Boggs offer a prayer for all those attending and participating. Her own drive and willingness to spread joy in the community was contagious for all who were privileged to take part of the annual event.
Children “checked out” of the store before leaving with Elves Bill and Teresa.
Santa’s elves worked hard last night being personal shopping companions with the children as they made their way through the maze of toys. Left to right: Denise Carter, Sarah Carpenter, Loretta Smith, Brenda Bush, Kyerstan Perkins and Savannah Cunningham. Not pictured was Head elf Jackie Boatright that kept things moving along and everyone in their place.