The Calhoun Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol will meet at 6 p.m. this evening (Tuesday, March 4th) at the unit house beside First Baptist Church in Grantsville.
Youth, ages 12 to 18, or adults considering becoming a Member are welcome to stop by see what the Civil Air Patrol has to offer.
On the schedule this evening will be safety, physical training and individual training.
Each week the cadets and adult members are provided opportunities to strive toward the core values of the Civil Air Patrol.
- Integrity: Honesty, promise-keeping, doing what’s right when nobody’s looking
- Volunteer Service: Helping other people, focusing on the team and community
- Excellence in All We Do: Trying new experiences, working hard, trying again after a setback
- Respect: Treating others as you’d like to be treated
If you’d like to know more about the Civil Air Patrol, join us this evening at 6:00 p.m.

News from the WV Wing, Civil Air Patrol
Seven Members of Civil Air Patrol’s (CAP) West Virginia Wing were honored to be selected as Ambassadors of the West Virginia Wing met recently with federal lawmakers on Capitol Hill after being able to reschedule meetings They delivered CAP’s 2024 Annual Report to Congress and briefed them on CAP’s primary missions, as well as the opportunity to talk one on one with them about contributions made by West Virginia Wing to the state and to CAP nationally and brief them on CAP’s Budget Request.
These Ambassadors represented West Virginia with professionalism and excellence. Members sat in on 2 Senate votes and spoke with Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Senator Jim Justice, Congressman Riley Moore, as well as staff member Quynn from Congresswoman Miller’s office. We took in some sites in D.C. before heading back to West Virginia
Additionally, Senator Capito honored Cadet Alela Stevens by presenting her with her Amelia Earhart Award.