
Common Old Boy – Transparency, Water and Liquidity

I’ve thought often this week about the Grantsville Council meeting last Tuesday, and I can’t escape the thought that the whole situation could be so easily differentand more positive, but it can only happen with real leadership. 

Grantsville is in the hole, with old infrastructure, a declining population (and taxbase) and chronic mismanagement. I wasn’t quite as blunt when I spoke up at the Council meeting, but there is no avoiding the truth, something is amiss, but it is not clear how much, too much is just unknown.

What we were told:

• The proposed 60% water levy is urgent

• The Council has been transparent

• No current financial reports are available

• Water services are running at an annual deficit of $54,000

• The bond on the water services runs at $115,000, and is not covered

• Maintenance costs (in terms of equipment) is unfunded by at least $280,000

• There has been work undertaken to stem some substantial water leakage

• Grantsville water fees are low

• The only reason there is any debate is because there are outsiders just ‘slinging mud’ for political reasons

Forgive me if I misunderstood anything, but it’s hard to follow financial ‘reports’ when you only get a confusing verbal commentary.

What we can believe:

• Money is needed

• No financial reports are fit to share

• Consolidation of water services is a good idea

• Current water fees are not high

• The $54,000 annual deficit, if true, is not an emergency need, it is an operating loss

What we need:

• A full accounting, you can’t make a decision like this without knowing the whole picture

• Transparency and good communication, you have to be open and lead people when there is an emergency

• Consolidation and the dire finances are two completely separate issues

• Recapitalization is needed for the water services (and actually further too), but you can’t do that on the back of Grantsville residents

• Separate out emergency needs from operating losses

• Continue to fix the leaks

• Discuss and debate openly, people are unhappy because of poor service, poor communication and potentially high fees

• Apply for grants

Grantsville desperately needs a plan. Money has to be raised and fees will no doubt rise. BUT, as I tried to say at the meeting, you can’t do this without bringing people with you. They need to see the full financial situation, the full picture of Grantsville’s water needs, and a plan to address the issues. Without these steps many people will just remain suspicious and unsupportive of any half-baked ‘plan’. The Council may well be sincere in trying to achieve the same exact goals, so hopefully they will step up and be accountable. We can only hope.


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