Community Events News



Brought to you by Groves Auto Service, Tansky Motors, and Twister’s Garage

Ring announcer: Vince Riviera
Referees: Mike Luckey and Smartie Marks
Owner/Director: The Boss Lady JC

NEXT EVENT: Saturday, September 9th, 2023 at the Armory – 207 East Main Street Spencer, WV. Tickets available below!

Preshow: AJ Alexander def. “Master” Tyson Riggs via pinfall following a spinning back kick.

Two-time former champion Alexander and Rt33W newcomer Riggs went toe to toe, chop for chop in this opening bout.

Following the match, Alexander called for his brother, Curtis Ray Goddi, to come out and talk to him in an attempt to apologize for his behavior last year. CRG did not appear.

1) Curtis Ray Goddi def. “The Modern Day Frankenstein” Hero Napier via disqualification after Napier hit CRG below the belt.

Napier continued their attack on CRG post-bell, slamming CRG onto a pile of barbed wire, then attempting to use what appeared to be an axe handle wrapped in barbed wire.

However, Napier was stopped by none other than a chair-wielding Party Ghoul, whom we last saw in June 2022, when she was attacked by Napier and their manager, Jim Candy following a tag team tournament loss to DragonMeister. Both Party Ghoul and Napier swore to return in September “with friends.”

2) Tyler Grayson def. Sinborn via pinfall following a 450 splash.

After a massive blockbuster at the hands of Sinborn, it became apparent that Grayson had suffered a nasty facial injury. In spite of this, he rallied the “Grayson Nation” and managed to pull off an impressive top rope 450 for the win.

Sinborn, displeased with the outcome of the match, snatched the mic from announcer Vince Riviera and demanded a rematch on September 9th.

3)    Strap Match: “Mr. By the Book” Gaston LaRue def. Aaron Graves via forfeit after a flurry of attacks with the leather strap.

Graves dominated the early part of this match, blistering LaRue with the strap and even attempting to choke him out. However, LaRue gained the upper hand and gave Graves a bitter taste of his own medicine, resulting in Graves’s forfeit.

Dismayed at his defeat, Graves superkicked Referee Smartie Marks, and proceeded to attack LaRue, binding him to the ropes with the strap. As Graves retrieved a chair from under the ring, “Mr. 5-Star” Gary Gandy appeared and stopped the attack. A scuffle between the former teacher and student ensued, which was broken up by security.

4) “The Show Pony” Reese Ramone def. Judi Rae via pinfall following a roll up.

Ramone was up to her usual tricks in this match, pulling Rae’s hair and repeatedly pushing her into the corner. Rae fired back, but after an attempted snapmare, Ramone shoved Rae into Referee Mike Luckey, stunning him; “The Show Pony” took advantage and rolled Rae up for the three-count.

5) Rt33W Tag Team Championship Match: DragonMeister def. The Brotherhood via referee stoppage after “DragonHeart” Jim Finley choked out Mike Bonner with a Dragon Sleeper to retain.

The Brotherhood did not take this loss well, attacking the champs once more post-bell and injuring Finley’s leg in the process. Curtis Ray Goddi sprinted to the ring to assist, but Jay and Bonner immediately overpowered him. AJ Alexander then appeared, coming to his brother’s defense. Together, the two sent the Brotherhood scrambling from the ring. Alexander extended a handshake, which CRG bypassed for a tight embrace.

6) Rt33W Open Weight Championship Match: “The Mór of Irish Strong Style” Riley Rose def. “Mr. 5-Star” Gary Gandy via pinfall following his signature Dublin Driver.

Gandy announced last month that he planned to cash in his Mountain Pass Medal on July 8th for a shot at the Rt33W Open Weight Championship. The former champ went move for move against Rose, who has held the title since September 2022. Both men pulled out all the stops, with Rose coming out on top following a massive Dublin Driver.

As Rose and Gandy shook hands, Aaron Graves appeared once more and attacked his former teacher from behind. Rose intervened, nailing Graves with a stiff knee. Gandy got to his feet, and the two competitors served up a stiff kick, sending Graves to the outside. Gandy then challenged his former student to a Falls Count Anywhere match on September 9th.

September 9th Tickets:
