Community Events Entertainment Sports


Ring announcer: Vince Riviera
Referees: Brianna Bodzer, Ben Hutchison, and Mike Luckey
Owner/Director: The Boss Lady JC

Upcoming live events:
– Saturday, November 4th
– Saturday, December 9th

*PRE-SHOW: The Rural Rumble Battle Royal for the Mountain Pass Medal
When the match came down to the final five competitors, AJ Alexander eliminated Julian Jay with a terrifying suplex to the outside, which consequently resulted in his own elimination. Tyler Grayson then eliminated Sinborn with a sharp knee to the face. Grayson then faced off with Gorgeous Morgan Taylor, and the two men traded blows. Taylor threw Grayson over the ropes to the outside, but Grayson was able to stay in the game by walking on his hands to the ring post, keeping his feet from touching the ground and therefore avoiding elimination. Grayson then hit Taylor with a top rope crossbody and tossed Taylor over the rope to become the newest bearer of the Mountain Pass Medal.

1) Jagermeister vs. John D Crazy Hillbilly
Thanks to an unsolicited distraction by Jager’s rival, Hero Napier, John D managed to hit the tag team champ with his signature Lawn Mower Boot and follow up with a successful pin attempt.

2) Sinborn vs. Tyler Grayson – Rematch
After battering away at each other for over ten minutes, Grayson attempted to hit Sinborn with a running knee, but Sinborn countered with a huge atomic drop, following up with the Original Sin for the victory.

3) The Brotherhood vs. AJ Alexander & Curtis Ray Goddi – Tag Team Grudge Match
This fight started before the bell when Alexander and CRG attacked the Brotherhood as they made their way to the ring. After sending Bonner out of the ring, Alexander and CRG joined forces to hit Jay with a thunderous Doomsday Device, resulting in a successful pinfall by CRG.

4) Aaron Graves vs. “Mr. 5-Star” Gary Gandy – Falls Count Anywhere Match
Graves and Gandy covered a lot of ground in this bout, battling each other both in and out of the ring, and even in the men’s restroom. The men used a variety of weapons against each other, including steel chairs, kendo sticks, a bull rope, and a leather strap. Graves attempted a hurricanrana from the Armory stage, which was reversed by Gandy, who then power bombed his former student through a table below for the win.

5) “The Modern Day Frankenstein” Hero Napier & a mystery partner vs. Party Ghoul & a mystery partner – Tag Team Match
Napier brought along big man Michael Anthony to this highly anticipated tag match against long-time rival, Party Ghoul. Party Ghoul entered alone, and Napier gleefully claimed she had no partner. However, her partner then revealed himself to be none other than “Flamin’ Hot” Seth Coleman. Anthony hit Party Ghoul with a devastating tilt-a-whirl powerslam, after which, Napier pinned her for the three count.
As Napier reached for their barbed wire axe handle, Jagermeister ran to Party Ghoul’s aid, chasing Napier and Anthony from the ring. Jager exploded on Napier, demanding a match against “The Modern Day Frankenstein.” Napier refused to accept. Jager insisted on doing it Napier’s way, in a streetfight, but they again refused. Jager then demanded a falls count anywhere match, at which point Napier laughed and turned to leave. In a final attempt to challenge his rival, Jager put DragonMeister’s tag team championship on the line. This caught Napier’s attention, and they finally accepted. Anthony then attacked Jager from behind, and the two beat the tag champ down with steel chairs and the tag team title itself before exiting the arena.

6) “The Notorious GMT” Gorgeous Morgan Taylor vs. “The Mór of Irish Strong Style” Riley Rose (c) – Rt33W Open Weight Championship Match
This match opened with a great display of respect, with Taylor and Rose sharing both a handshake and a hug before starting the bout. Both men brought their A-game to this match, occasionally pausing to applaud each other’s in-ring skills. However, things took an unexpected turn when Rose accidentally hit Referee Mike Luckey with a Black Mass, knocking him out.
As Luckey was assisted to the back by management, Taylor retrieved what appeared to be a set of brass knuckles hidden in the ringpost, and used them to strike Rose from behind before concealing them. Taylor called for a ref and attempted a pinfall, but Rose managed to get his foot on the ropes. Taylor momentarily lost his temper and argued with the ref. Taylor then attempted to hit his signature Gorgeous Drop, but Rose managed to escape it and counter with a sharp kick to the face, following up with a huge Dublin Driver to retain the title.

Rt33W LIVE returns to the Armory on Saturday, November 4th!
Tickets available now:
