
Continued Update on Jerry Jones

From Jerry’s Wife, Betty Jones:

Today’s results from Jerry’s CT scan was good the neurosurgeon said he was pleased with what he is seeing. He had decreasing in the swelling and pressure and no sign of infection. He has started to run a low fever which they used the cool blanket this afternoon to help with that and it was off when we left last night. They did say he had a bacteria growing in the stuff they are suctioning from the tube so treating that already. The infectious disease doctor is already onboard and they have added two additional antibiotics to help to hopefully prevent any infection in the injury to his brain. They still are unable to say what he will actually regain and the surgeon did say he don’t believe he will regain use of his right side, only time will tell that. They have him pretty sedated still and today they were wanting him to rest and give his brain time to heal without him doing all the work so he was on the vent with minimal settings. Please continue praying 🙏🏻❤️ we appreciate everyone that is praying for his recovery! God is bigger then any storm and we will continue to fight with him!