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Creston News

01-20-2022/Alvin Engelke/GUEST WRITER*

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
The New Year came in Creston with rain and high water that closed some roads.

Rev. Carlos Nutter, age 81, of Cairo passed away.  He had formerly pastored at Burning Springs and other area churches.

Kenneth Belt, age 96, of Industry passed away.  “Uncle Ken” was a WW II veteran and he was laid to rest in the Maze cemetery.

Alfred, “Buck” Rose, age 82, of Brohard passed away.  He was buried in the Belt cemetery.

The dimbulb mayor of Grantsville, who apparently cannot stand that someone else came to make Grantsville & Calhoun County a shining light where folks would like to visit, work and live and have unique facilities such as the old high school, showed his spite by cutting down the two ginko trees that Godfrey L. Cabot gave to Grantsville a century ago after he returned from a trip to China.  There are those who cannot stand prosperity and will go out of their way to impede others just for spite.

Winter finally arrived in Creston with snow, very slick roads and temperatures dropping into the single digits.  Contrary to the screaming of the “global warming banshees” a graph of the world temperature for the last nine years shows no warming.  Some folks free gas froze off and some folks slid out of the road into the ditch.
West Virginia is in the center of the largest oil & gas field on the planet and the state’s oil & gas zones are now shown to be world class fields.  Some new wells in Marshall County are making, in addition to vast volumes of gas and NGLs [natural gas liquids] 5,000 or more barrels of oil/month.  Some of our legislators choose to answer to out of state interests who have been cheating the state [on taxes] and its residents on royalties.  Real leaders would demand that royalties would reflect the spectacular wells and that accurate measurement would be done to assure that proper severance & ad valorem taxes were collected from the companies, not the landowners.  The filing period started January 10 and those who want to protect the state from rape like that was done by the coal barons should file for office for one can be sure that the big boys will have their toadies file and then tell us how “they are working for us”.  Local candidates can file at the county court house but others must file with the Secretary of State down under the golden dome at the Mouth of the Elk.  Some of “our leaders” even want to make tax exempt the $billions in infrastructure that has been built in W. Va. to process the resources.

Royal Dutch Shell’s ethane cracker in Monaca Pennsylvania is setting up interview for workers and there is enough ethane for at least four more ethane crackers but with wizards like Smiley Carmichaels & Craig Blair getting such lined up for West Virginia seems remote.  Such is a shame.  Also there should be ammonia plants being built but, apparently, long time projects that would make the state wealthy are of no interest to quick buck artists.  The Shale Crescent folks have noted that if done wisely there would be 100,000 manufacturing jobs created between Pittsburgh & Huntington from use of the resources that are being produced and presently shipped elsewhere to generate additional wealth.

Several area residents have been dealing with the virus that Dr. Fauci had the Chinese communist germ warfare lab make and turn loose on the planet.  Some were able to obtain ivermectin to treat the disease.  The VAx, vax, vax folks now have a problem now that a high percentage of those with the virus had taken the jab.  It was learned that the pro football teams are treating their folks with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.  Some time after 55 years the safety tests for the vaccines will be released but it is clear now that there are more heart problems, especially with boys & young men and there is a worry that the bad effects will show up later.

Not that long back Patchwork Oil & Gas (Bill & Roger Whited) purchased the Prime wells, formerly Sterling Drilling, and now they have acquired the wells formerly owned by M & A Well Service of Arnoldsburg.

Because of the Wuhan Kung Flu virus there was no Creston Food Pantry on the first Friday of January.  While the new strain of the virus seems to be “very catchy” it appears to be less severe.  Those who understand such matters feel that most will catch the new strain and then obtain natural immunity and then Dr. Fauci’s plague will be pretty much over except for those who love all the control they have acquired over the peasants.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $77.90/bbl. with condensate fetching $63.90/bbl. while Marcellus & Utica light is bringing $68.90/bbl. and medium $77.90/bbl.  Henry Hub natural gas fetched $3.92/mmbtu.

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