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Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Sen. Donna Boley, along with local residents, church trustees and friends motored up Burning Springs Run & Chestnut Run to the historic Ruble church which recently was restored. Sen. Boley was able to get a grant of $12,000 to build a picnic shelter at the historic church. One of the church trustees is Roy Copen whose great, great grandfather, Aaron Ruble, was instrumental in building the log structure.
The Creston area had high water with several local roads under water. Lanny Meadows, who lives on the Richardsonville Road, had his mail box washed away. He hoped that only bills were in the box. The state road crew didn't put up high water warning signs but, apparently, no one drove into the water.
There was to be a litter clean up on Saturday and folks were to gather at the school house [Community Building] at 9 A. M. Since there was a shortage of amphibious vehicles and boats, no one made it there.
Folks are reminded that on Tuesday the election will be held and for local Wirt residents voting is at the Creston Community Building. Local Calhoun residents have to go either to Brooksville or Mount Zion to vote.
There will be a cruise in for antique cars at the Creston Community Building on Saturday, May 21. Also there will be an auction at the building on Saturday June 4.
Ellen Hedge, Rosie & Charles White all have Dr. Fauci's Wuhan Kung Flu virus that was genetically engineered in the communist Chinese germ warfare lab. Dr. Fauci had said that the research was "worth the risk". It is now estimated that 15 million have died world wide. It also has been noted that if those who acquired the virus had, early on, taken Vitamin D3 many would have survived.
Barb Wright, Gary Dickens, Marilyn Tucker & Joe Echard have all been on the sick list.
Some W. Va. residents were in the lower Potomac swamp on January 6, 2021 when there was the trouble. Mrs. Pelosi & Mayor BowWow refused help with the National Guard & "things went sideways". Now it turns out that there were about 80 people who did bad things that were not charged and folks have their suspicions. It was noted that some should read Psalm 64.
The next Creston ATV poker run is scheduled for July 30 so make plans. Sonny Burdette's nephew Arron was a big help with the last one & he, among others, are looking forward to laying out the next ride.
Daniel Ludwig was calling at the Creston Space Dock.
Prices continue to go up reflecting the inflation caused by the federal government and paying folks to not go to work, etc. Paint is now $53/gallon and for some reason baby formula is scarce -- those who told mothers not to nurse their infants obviously should be "strung up". Car lots are bare and store shelves are "thin". Local Pennsylvania grade crude now fetches $108.77/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetching $94.77/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $99.77 & medium $108.77/bbl. The price of natural gas on the NIMEX shot up to $8.78/mmbtu and there is now talk of $10 natural gas. Back in the early 1980s Cabot got a contract to sell natural gas to Tenneco for $10 and, at the time Cabot was buying some gas in Calhoun County for 20 cents/mcf. [thousand cubic feet] & much of that gas had over 1200 mmbtu/mcf. Not hard to figger hows come some do well and others not so much.
Greylock Production which has facilities locally as well as elsewhere recently obtained a $ one half billion line of credit from the Royal Bank of Canada. Greylock was formerly called Energy Corporation of America and before that Eastern American Energy Corp. and before that Pacific States Gas & OIl. Diversified, Rusty Hutson, Jr.'s firm has a line of credit from Key Bank which just might indicate a connection with the Rockefeller family. Hutson recently gave some $$ to the little university up at Morgantown and now the company name is on an athletic facility.
Pat Shaw's early peonies are worth a trip out the ridge to see them. Other spectacular flowers now are wisteria, the Chinese big leaf tree [Paulownia tomentosa] and the government introduced pest, autumn olive. Seeds from water maples have now matured and have been spiraling down to earth. Young children have fun playing with them. This week routinely is the last week for killing frosts so that it is safe to set out tomato plants without risking them being frozen.
On Saturday July 9 there will be a homecoming at the Creston school at 2 P. M. Bring your family, friends, pictures and memories and share them all. It was reported that Ted Grim will be grilling special hot dogs. The next ATV poker run will be on Saturday July 30 so get your machine Read More…
There was no service at the Burning Springs M. E. Church as there was too much illness. Edith Mills, age 92, of Brohard passed away. The widow of Clarence Mills, she always came with him to Creston when he played music. Burial was in the Belt cemetery. J. P. Marks was calling at the Creston Read More…
Is Anyone Else Feeling Broken? Or Is It Just Me? I’ve been thinking over my own life the past several weeks and recalling patterns that seem to have taken root in younger years, grown deep and developed into a type of lifestyle as I moved on into adulthood. I made a choice as a child Read More…