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Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
There were a dozen vehicles on hand for the antique car cruise in Saturday at the Creston Community Building. The Calhoun County Clerk brought her prize automobile which should make the event "official". The most unusual item there was an old [1930 someone said] wrecker that has been completely restored. Not the sort of item one sees every day. There will be an antique car show at Creston on August 24 so mark the calendar.
The June auction was cancelled.
Kaden Myer, age 21 of Brohard, was killed when the vehicle he was driving hit the vehicles parked in Jim Blair's garage on W. Va. 5 below Brooksville. Burial is to be at Norman Ridge.
Brenda Joyce Loan, age 74 of Parkersburg passed away. She had been a teacher in the Wood County school system and was a daughter of Otha Arthur.
An employee on a timber job on the Munday road was killed when the truck tire he was changing "came apart" and hit him. He was said to be from South Dakota and was living in Cowen. Obviously the crew did not have a tire cage to safely do the job.
Dawn Minney, age 66, was buried in the McCray [Snyder] cemetery recently. Some are attempting to determine who she was & where she lived.
Robert Junior Wise, age 69, of Spencer passed away. He was the son of Sherm & Sarah Jane Wise. Burial was at Hodam.
The delinquent tax lists are now out in the local county papers. For each county the list is huge. Folks should check to make sure they are not listed [at $20/item] and to advise, friends, neighbors, relatives of missed tax payments.
Barbara Bush has beautiful peonies and Debbie Griffin has a beautiful bleeding heart next to her house. The azaleas are now fading but mock oranges, black berries and the USDA;s multiflora rose are all blooming. The government men promised that the roses would never, ever spread. Every current & retired USDA employee should get to spend a year cutting down and grubbing the pests that they inflicted upon the area.
A lawsuit has been filed the federal court to block the legislature's forced pooling bill (SB 694) that the companies wanted to avoid paying world class royalties and bonuses for leases in the world's larges gas & oil field. Delegate John Kelley who pushed hard for the big companies did get retired in the recent primary.
The movie 2000 Mules provides details as to the election "irregularities" in certain key states and even Fox News is not allowed to talk about the production. It can be viewed on the internet and in certain theaters. It is obviously a must see.
Some local folks motored up to Shanksville Pennsylvania the site where the passengers stopped the Moslem terrorists from flying the plane into a building, either the capitol or the white house in Washington, D. C. The visitor center was closed "citing emergency conditions" but one could tour the area. What had been farmland has now been made safe for autumn olive.
In Johnstown Pennsylvania there are lots of abandoned factories that were closed by the globalists like "Mittens" Romney, Idaho's Sen. Crappo, Mitch McConnell & the ruling oligarchs who fund & support the Big Eared One. Back when, Al Gore, Jr. said we should even get all our food from 3rd world countries so that we "would not pollute". In Johnstown the railroad is still there but in Wheeling they ripped up the rail road tracks to make sure no one could use the buildings again to provide employment to local citizens. The ruling elites got rich sending jobs to foreign nations with no regard to the residents of our nation, national security or the eventual impoverishment of America.
The Royal Dutch Shell ethane cracker in Monaca Pennsylvania [downstream from Pittsburgh and not far from W. Va.] appears to be in operation. Set upon just under 400 acres the facility will use 100,000 bbl. of ethane daily to make ethylene which is used to make antifreeze and almost all the plastics used in modern living. Even the green weenies use plastics. Some years back they insisted on plastics as they said the use of fur was inhumane. At the time the 400 years of trapping raccoons was stopped and there was a population explosion. Then a rabies epidemic started in W. Va. and spread all the way to Ithaca, New York. Unintended consequences, dontcha know?
ExxonMobil which really is Standard Oil of New Jersey & New York sold for $750 million their Texas Barnett shale holdings to Banpu which is described as the biggest coal company in Siam. "Wise ones" shut down energy production in America to enrich other parts of the world and then the third world countries [or their elites']buy up our assets.
Some may have wondered why there are so many ads on the tee vee for the shingles vaccine. Turns out that one of the consequences of taking the Wuhan Kung Flu virus is the release of viruses that are already in the body. This phenomenon was well known but likely was classed as "misinformation or disinformation". The Dept. of Truth decided that you didn't need to know that. Another problem is that series of shots & boosters trigger auto immune problems. There seems to be a lot of that going around now.
Bill Duskey is scheduled for surgery on Friday and has asked for prayers.
Eureka Resources is an outfit that processes waste water from Marcellus drilling & since 2019 they have been recovering lithium from the waste water stream. The firm now has a new patent and a spokesperson said that the firm should be able to provide one fourth of the supply of the metal.
There was an article in the Gazette, sometimes called the state's "paper of record" about Rusty Hutson Jr.'s Diversified Energy which now owns almost 70,000 oil & gas wells. It seems that an "environmental" group checked out some of Rusty's wells in Pennsylvania, Ohio & southern West Virginia & found that they were leaking natural gas -- oh the horrors! Seems on one well that the hammer union needed tightening and on others valves were open, etc. It was clear that the folks who did the article felt that all the wells should be plugged to "save the earth" although, because of a lack of supply, natural gas is said to sell for over $8 through the end of 2022.
Those who keep track of the power grid note that electricity production is maxxed out in many places and this summer there will be rolling blackouts because of a lack of power. It should be obvious that when one shuts down power plants there is less capacity -- it is likely that even Occasional Cortex will complain when her air conditioner stops because of a lack of electric.
Apparently the ruling junta ( those who tell the old guy what to say & do) have decided to give total control over all health matters to the WHO [World Health Organization] which is run by a non medical Dr. Tedros from Ethiopia who, when in charge there covered up cholera cases since the disease was killing those that the ruling folks did not like. The WHO covered for the Chinese Communist Party for the germ warfare virus and the vague terms of the treaty are scary, to say the least. You will wear a mask, you must have a passport, etc.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $112.23/bbl. with condensate fetching $98.23/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light brought $103.23 while medium was $112.23/bbl.
I can’t keep up. Let’s just get that out there right off the bat. Yes, I’m a project person with too many projects, and I am working to find that balance of work/play in life, but the truth is, I am attempting the impossible. For example, today I am spending the day learning about our Read More…
Rev. Kevin Gillespie brought the message at the Burning Springs M. E. Church and his wife led singing. There will be no service next week [July 17] as there will be a joint service of all the three churches at Pisgah on the Garfield Road at 11 A. M. Bill Duskey had his tumors removed Read More…
With all the talk I have heard recently about having a shortage of law enforcement people and no having the resources to hire a law enforcement person in the Town of Grantsville – at least I think I heard that during the internet broadcast of a recent town council meeting – it got me to Read More…