Guest Writers

Creston News

Alvin Engelke

The Creston area was to receive some inches of snow on Sunday but, later in the day, there was rain & sleet.  Many local folks laid in fuel & supplies to deal with deep snow & lack of contact with the "outside world".

Prominent Wood County farmer Ralph Blair passed away while undergoing dialysis at the Marietta Memorial Hospital.  Service will be the week of January 24 at the Lambert-Tatman funeral home in South Parkersburg.  He was a full time farmer who, among other things, raised corn & soya beans on his river bottom farm at Belleville.  For years he was the president of the Wood County Farm Bureau & was, until this year, the longest serving state Farm Bureau board member.  In addition to ag issues he & his late wife, Joellen, were active to protect famers mineral rights from shady characters in the legislature & elsewhere who actually were shills for the big out of state companies.

Some local folks ended up "vacationing" where they serve one "breakfast in bed".  One local elderly guy had surgery and now he knows what "elderly" feels like.  The favorite juice is now prune juice, not orange juice or cranberry [to avoid kidney stones], tomato juice or such.  Instead of walking now one shuffles and there are large areas that are black & blue.  The ads for boost, ensure, ageless male, testofin, balance of nature & relief factor all sound like wonder drugs, almost enough to remind one of the ads, years ago, for Hannycol although some may never have heard of the potion.  Years ago, Bertha Wells got a bottle and she hoped that she would feel better.  She never did give a report on how it worked, other than lightening her purse.  Also, "bon appitit" has become "non-appitit".

With the widespread of the now variant of Dr. Fauci's virus the stories and lies we were all told are now falling apart.  Fully vaccinated people came down with the plague after we were all told that vaccines would "stop the spread" and spare one from the infections.  Now it is clear that Dr. Fauci & his buddies knew all along that the existing treatments, ivermectin & hydroxy chloroquin would make patients well but "experimental vaccines" could not be pushed if there were treatments.  Of course, big pharma, Bill Gates and the government agencies who hold many of the patents could not then make the $billions that they were able to rake in while allowing thousands of citizens to die by withholding treatments that would work.  It is scary that most doctors did not object to doing bad medicine and most of them will likely never be trusted again.  The answers given local residents concerning treatments were vague at best while trying to not tell outright lies.  Of course the NIH [National Institutes of Health], the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] & WHO [World Health Organization] are nothing but phonies who work with their buddies at the drug companies that raked in the cash.  Now that the heads of two of the firms said that their vaccines didn't work, all of them likely should be pulled off the market to avoid more damage to citizens.  Japan now has a warning label concerning the myocarditis problem and more are speaking out about all the "vaccine injuries" that we were told "never happened - you are a crackpot".  California now allows people who test positive to treat sick people so the pandemic is over.  It should be noted that Dr. Fauci last practiced medicine in 1963 and all that he has done since then is hand out $$ to people asking for grants.  When one controls $6 billion not many are going to say a word and risk being defunded.  When Pres. Trump brought in some front line doctors & researchers to join the task force there were appalled by the ignorance of the leaders about basic medicine & virology..   When the blind lead the blind the result is obvious.  Now monoclonal antibodies cannot be found and test kits are about as rare as hen's teeth.

The legislature is in session down at the Mouth of the Elk so one has to be certain that "our leaders" do not give away our minerals to their corporate buddies.  One would hope that in the big deal to get the steel mill in Mason County that West Virginia wasn't sold out.

Exxon (XTO) has announced that the head Rockefeller firm intends to sell 27,000 acres & 61 wells to the north of the local area so that they can go to Guyana where "big money" is to be made.

The Big Eared One & Madame Hillary, to protect the environment, pretty much shut down coal mining in West Virginia although the state tax department says that coal properties, far from any mining ever [other that digging out some for blacksmithing] is now worth "more".

The one who gets lost often started off his venture by shutting down oil pipelines cancelling oil & gas leases & making it clear that oil, gas [and coal] were bad things to be banned.  However, when the prices of oil, natural gas, heating oil & gasolene went up then he called for increased domestic production and begged his friend Vladimir & the Sheiks of Araby to sell us more petroleum so there would not be problems in the 2022 election.  While W. Va.'s coal communities are decimated so as to save the planet, coal mining in China, India, Indonesia & Australia have bever been so active.  It is clear that the 2.6 billion residents of India & China plan to use fossil fuels as the primary energy source through at least 2070 even if Hillary runs against Joe.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $82.82/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachia light sweet, rose to $68.82/bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light fetched $73.82 and medium $82.82/bbl.  Because of the cold snap in the northeast the Henry Hub [Louisiana] price of natural gas took a jump.  Time will tell if such is reflected in the price for gas  produced locally.