Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Bill Duskey noted that now he is on the mend although he will have to undergo additional tests. He thanked folks for their prayers and noted that some of the women folk in his neighborhood were “trying to fatten him up”. and that his comely cousins, the “Turtle Twins”, had been good nurses. It was noted that some fellers would “get sick” just to have Marlene & Darlene as nurses.
Peanut Bunch got some fine second cutting hay up during a break in the rain as did folks elsewhere. Creston continues to have rain and it was noted that, likely, it would continue to the end of “dog days”. Sirius, sometimes called the dog star is in the constellation Canis Major.
Local residents have been reviewing the tapes from their game cameras looking for the big trophy bucks and noting that bow season comes in next month.
There will be an antique car show Saturday August 27 at the Creston Community Building. Fire up the old jalopy that has antique car plates and see how your pride and joy matches up with others. Even if one doesn’t have an antique trophy vehicle come to the event to visit, sample the famous Creston hot dog sauce, tell all about the big fish that you said you caught, etc. Bring a lawn chair so one can sit around and visit with others. There is a play ground for the younger set. Generations have ridden the merry go round and swings are substantial so older folks can play too.
Folks are reminded that farm use reports are due in with the county assessor before September 1. Failure to file the form will mean that farmland will be reclassified as high value investment and development land suitable for strip malls, condos and industrial sites even if it is all flood plain with poor access. Also, if first have real estate and personal property taxes are paid in August there is a 2 1/2% discount.
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Marks & Thomas, J. P. Marks & Steve Loudin were among those calling at the Creston Space Dock. Earlier in the week a special delivery package came from the famous doughnut shop located in Buckhannon. They were said to be the chocolate covered peanut butter variety.
Dr. Fauci & Bill Gates are still pushing folks to get more shots to”protect” folks from the gain of function virus that was turned loose on the world. The cheap treatments that protect and cure the virus are still not allowed and medical folks can have their licenses jerked. Dr. Malone, the man who ‘invented” rna vaccines has said that there are serious problems with the vaccines, especially when given to healthy young folks who have little risk of death from the virus. Now there is death data that is hard to hide showing an excess death rate [mortality] among millenials which is 84% in excess. There were 60,000 excess deaths in the third quarter of 2021 and this compares to 58,000 US deaths in the Viet Nam war. This is now called demicide or death by government mandate [to take the shot]. The Life Insurance Actuaries are coming out with charts and numbers that are scary. However, Bill Gates and the WEF [World Economic Forum] are intent on implementing the great reset and such notes that there are too many people on the planet. Kill ’em with the vaccine and elsewhere in the world there will be famine because we are not to use fertilizer and modern agriculture to feed folks. Of course the “Ministry of Truth” might say that such is “misinformation” and now in Germany where they also have inflation and recession those who complain about the cost of living are defined as “enemies of the state”. For all age groups and from data from various nations the lowest death rate is among the unvaccinated. It is likely that some of the elites “who had the shot” perhaps received saline solution as the government has now been shown to be completely untrustworthy.
An outfit called Strict Asset Management has taken on Black Rock and the other multi billionaire outfits that works for the Chinese communists and promotes ESG and other left wing programs, The W, Va. State Treasurer, Riley Moore, as taken action against the woke companies that are hostile to the economy of West Virginia.
Jospeh W. Glauber, who was a big honcho in the Big Eared One’s U. S. Dept. of Agriculture headlines on August 15 an event promoted by the communist Chinese who are snapping up American farm land, own Smithfield Foods. The event was sponsored also by the ASA [American Soyabean Association]. Glauber, it is said works for the US Heartland China Association which is said to be funded by the US taxpayers.
The “powers that be” are still pushing folks to vote yes on Amendment Two which removes the protection in the state constitution for owner occupied houses and farms. Delegate Householder talked in Vienna the other evening and he noted that the plans about which personal property will be tax exempt hasn’t been resolved but he noted that the legislature cannot do anything until the constitution protection is removed. He acknowledged that, perhaps, the $50 billion in infrastructure built as a result of the drilling of Marcellus & Utica wells in the state could all become tax exempt which would mean that the difference would have to be made up to keep county governments and school boards solvent. As part of a “bait and switch” plan the legislature will fund the counties for the first year with the surplus the state has collected from severance tax on higher priced coal and oil & gas from the new Marcellus & Utica wells, some of which generate more than $4 or 5 million/month.
For decades some of “our betters” have wanted farm land to be taxed as prime development land which would force the owners to sell. With the impending food crisis that is even talked about in the mainstream news it has never been so important to have farmland in W. Va. on which food can be grown and livestock kept to provide for local residents.
Lease activity in West Virginia has picked up although there is no local activity [yet]. Such is just a matter of time. Presently there are in West Virginia 90 producing Utica wells and 3,291 producing Marcellus wells. In Calhoun & Wirt counties the Utica is 1,100 feet thick.
Reflecting the recession and the decreased number of vehicles on the roadways, the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude [which isn’t really used for fuel] dropped to $89.77/bbl. with condensate fetching just $75.77/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $80.77 and medium $90.77/bbl. Y grade NGLs [natural gas liquids] from the fractionation plants was $43.686/bbl. Natural gas Henry Hub price rose to $9.34/mmbtu [dekatherm] reflecting the gas shortage in Europe caused in large part by the green weenies. The new taxes in Broadway Joe’s green new deal law are yet unknown but the CO2 tax starts out at $15/metric ton with a $10/ton increase each year until eternity. One needs to listen closely to what the plans are for 2025, just 3 years from now.
The Ergon catfish fry will be Thursday, August 25 at the Marietta Shrine Club facility. For reservations call 1-800-278-3364. Come and meet all the oil & gas men, that is to say fellows with gas on their stomach and oil on their hair as one Grantsville attorney used to say.