Guest Writers

Creston News

Alvin Engelke/Writer

Winter came to Creston & decided to stay for a while.  Roads were slippery and one Wirt state road dumptruck got caught in blowing snow and ended up on it’s side not too far down below the old Rader Hotel at Burning Springs.  Damage was minimal.  Lots & lots of firewood has been burned to keep the hearth warm.  It was reported that up in New England, where the sophisticated like Fauxcohantas has her wigwam fuel oil had to be burned to generate heat since there is a shortage of clean natural gas.

Anna Yates had been skiing at Snowshoe and on Sunday, she, Adam, Joel Hartshorn and daughter Curley spent the day tubing.

June Marie Sheppard’s daughter Donna Jean Enoch sent a whole bunch of Creston pictures which will make a nice addition to photos that are on hand.

Nolan Harris, age 69, passed away December 8.  He was the son of Buck & Dora Richards Harris.

Scott Warren Spencer, age 51, died.  He was the son of Duane & Adith Copen Spencer.

The legislature is back in session down at the Mouth of the Elk.  One of the big bills is to legalize dope so that there will be lass & less men who can pass the tinkle test.  It is been noted that the price of ammonia has gone up which makes food more expensive.  If there were leaders down there two or 3 ammonia plants would be under construction to use the bountiful natural gas that is being produced and sold elsewhere.  Obviously, several of the company shills need replaced.  January 29 is  the last day to file to put new blood in the system.

The W. Va. State Treasurer did the right thing and ceased doing business with Larry Fink and Black Rock a big political outfit that funds projects in China and is opposed to us using coal, oil & gas.

The Creston news writer has been on the puny list.

Boris the head fellow in merry old England put a stop to all the COVId nonsense.  Of course Dr. Fauci and his buddies are upset as they can see the “writing on the wall”, The gravy train is coming to an end and likely there will be serious criminal charges, even treason.  One local gal who has a family medical issue and cannot take the vaccine tested ++++ the other morning but she is now on the mend.  Monoclonal antibodies are now rare, thanks to the federal government as are the treatments that are used elsewhere in the world to save lives.  Eco Health Alliance, which some say is CIA got $4.7 million to fund the germ warfare lab in Wuhan.  Is anyone minding the store?

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude  is $84.14/bbl. with condensate fetching $74.14/bbl. and Marcellus & Unita light bringing $75.14 & medium $84.14/bbl.  Henry Hub natural gas rose to $4/mmbtu.