Guest Writers News Opinion

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The ambulance was calling in Creston the other day and one local fellow ended up on the list of those indicted by the Calhoun County grand jury.  The Department of Public Safety was calling in Creston and the other day 4 or 5 of their chariots were at the Coplin Clinic in Elizabeth.

There were 40 at the Grim reunion that was held at the Creston Community Building.  Carmen Queen, age 93, and her brother, Vance Grim, age 91, children of Thomas Grim, were the oldest folks there.  Shyla Burke, age 10, won the mystery box and to say that she was elated would be an understatement.  She said that she has been wanting to win the prize for years.  It was noted that the mystery box has only been an event at the Grim reunion for three years but, in her case, that would be almost one third of her lifetime.

The Creston ATV poker run is September 24 and the Creston Community Halloween party will be October 29.

The local area continues to receive rain — no one is choking on dust and forest fire risk is very low.

Charles White noted that his paw paws are ripe.  They are very tasty and a wholesome food.

Wilma Mowrey has been on the puny list.

After the forced pooling bill was passed by the legislature to make sure that the companies would never have to pay world class royalties to produce the world class oil & gas fields a suit was filed in federal court to block the same.  The federal judge threw out the case noting that probably Jimmy Justice could not be sued and that the plaintiffs had not been damaged and thus had no standing.  Anyone who is forced to sign a lease with less than a 25% gross royalty would thus likely have standing to bring an action against the legislators who seem to care most for large out of state corporations that have lots of cash to spread around.

EQT, the largest producer of natural gas, announced that it has purchased Tug Hill and XcL Midstream for just $5.2 billion.  Both of the firms are ‘Portfolio companies” of Quantum Energy Partners from Texas.  It had been noted that Quantum had wanted to sell Tug Hill which operates Marcellus & Utica wells in West Virginia. Wil van Loh, CEO of Quantum, will be placed on the EQT corporate board.

The West Virginia Association of Counties has come out against Baldy Blair’s Amendment #2 that exempts “personal property” from county ad valorem taxes & takes away the constitutional protection of homes and farms from the vagarities of the  W. Va. legislature.  Trusting them might be like leaving one’s 12 year old daughter alone in a Motel 6 with “Uncle Willie” over the weekend.

Speaking of State Senate president Baldy he made it clear that Sen. Patricia Rucker who he removed as chairwoman of the Education Committee was a thorn in his side.  He tried to buy her off with a “job” in the W. Va. Dept. of Education.  The new chair represents the unions and no doubt Randi Weingarten could not be happier.  The promise to now address improvements of public education will go nowhere as the education department has joined up with the union to stop Hope scholarships which would have forced the government schools to improve as there would then be real competition.  It seems that Baldy is also holding up legislation that the abortion parlours do not want passed.  For some killing babies is “just fine”.  These same folks are involved with the transgender activities.  What is happening in the school where your children attend?

The CDC [Centers for Disease Control] had said that myocarditis among young males aged 12 to 15 was no big problem as there were only 42.6 cases/million.  Now it turns out that the rate [from their data] is 150.5/million among a group that has very low risk for Dr. Fauci’s gain of function virus.  Now folks who are fully vaxed and boosted come down with the disease and yet the “only answer” is more shots even though, vitamin D, Ivermectin and hydroxy chloroquine work every time they are tried.

The price of fertilizer has gone way up and in most places there are shortages.  It was noted recently that the lack of fertilizer will reduce grain crops world wide by 40% which means that starvation and death is assured for parts of the globe.  W. Va. with access to bountiful amounts of natural gas could have new fertilizer plants on line now but the nincompoops that run the show down at the Mouth of the Elk are more concerned with tattoo parlours and gambling joints.  Apparently there are no quick bucks in getting ammonia and urea plants built and maybe Smiley Carmichaels might have trouble spelling those big words.  He just has to get that $80,000/year state taxpayer funded pension, don’t make life rough for him.

A group of dragonflies gathered near Creston to start on the migration to the south.  The ancient insects that are found in fossils are amazing creatures.

The great leap to the carbon free future just hit another snag.  To do all these wonderful things, like using pixie dust to make plastics there is another shortage that impacts matters and that is a shortage of copper.  By 2050, according to their plans, it would require 53 million metric tons of copper.  That is more than was mined & used between 1900 and 2021.

The U. S. Energy Information Administration stated that natural gas will fetch $9/mmbtu. in the 4th quarter of 2022 and that in 2023 the price will be in the $6 range.  The NYMEX price fell to $7.84 reflecting less demand.  Some natural gas sold in June at White Pine fetched $13.78/mcf. [thousand cubic feet] which means that it i very rich gas.  Some Gilmer County gas fetched $8.73.  Local Pennsylvania grade crude is $85.79/bbl. with condensate fetching just $71.79/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $76.79 and medium $85.79/bbl.